Favorite Posts?


when in doubt, upgrade!
So Jordan, Utah
Ok, in the tone of getting something different to talk about.

Who are the people/forum members who when you see they have posted do you have to click and read whatever they wrote just because they wrote it.

for example:
Mike, @zmotorsports, whenever he posts something regardless of topic or thread I generally read it just because he comes across as a smart dude, solid advise, and mind opening to the "better than average, damn near perfect way to do things" I have never seen that guy half a$$ anything.

Dave, @DAA, I just want to be this guy when I figure life out/grow up, amazing adventure/pictures/stories. Your day will just go better if you click where you see he has posted

last example (and not least), @Hickey not just because he is a long time member of this community, but he is warped, not just twisted but my kind of seeing the world through different eyes and funny enough to make light of things and keep you laughing... :D

Just curious what you have to say! Post up!


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
I am always curious about @DaveB's projects. I'm mostly curious about folks that are able to get out and enjoy the hobby that brought us all here. Some people's photographs (@DAA, @Houndoc, @XJEEPER and others) always have interesting subjects and composition that I just can't seem to equal with my "photography". I honestly like the diversity of the folks on the board and the mostly civil discussion even on difficult and controversial subjects.


Burn-barrel enthusiast
Supporting Member
When I read Stephen Hunter's series on Bob Lee Swagger, it's @DAA who I picture as Mr. Swagger. Britney Spears ex is a horrible choice for that role.

@Greg is always a favorite, but I'm a kiss-ass.

@zmotorsports because he makes me feel guilty of half-assing everything.

@Cody because he is a genuinely smart, honest, and nice person with a huge talent for talking shit. I also admire the fact that he turned his love for something into his livelihood (beer).

@I Lean because he is the Merlin of Metal. Always crafting up some magic.


Long Jeep Fan
Holladay, Utah
@Greg Always curious about what he has bought and then sold
@DAA great pictures and cool adventures
@I Lean because I'm amazed at what he does with metal and still keeps his garage so clean. My garage is always a disaster but its at least a creative disaster.
@mbryson I'm hoping that if I get him enough parts I might get some bacon
Many others who get out and have adventures.

Me, I need to be better at taking pictures of my projects and posting them up. Like the go-kart I built for my grandkids from an old Honda ATV, my LS swap in my Scrambler, the in law's Rhino that I am restoring, And crazy stuff for my son's MJ.
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Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
with a huge talent for talking shit.

Ahh, thanks boo! I think I'm like 40% of the man I used to be in that regard though. Sometimes I pull up some old archives and I wish I was still as creative as I was back when I only had to think about beer, rock crawling, and talking shit. Ahh, simpler times.

I'd also throw out @I Lean and @bryson as must reads for their insane knowledge and their ability to simply be nice and diplomatic about everything. Generally everything they say I think is worth listening to.

@Stephen for opportunities to talk shit (and I think he usually has very intelligent and insightful commentary as well)

There are a bunch that I'll stop and read when I see them, for a variety of different reasons, but really I don't have time to read much of the forum these days so I miss out on most of the good content.


Who Dares Wins
@Stephen for opportunities to talk shit (and I think he usually has very intelligent and insightful commentary as well)

You're gonna get me all choked up, homie! *sniff*

I hate playing favorites, but yeah, @I Lean because Carl is just a good human, even if he is just a terrible fabricator!

@Greg and @Herzog because I want to make sure that I'm up on the goings on here at RME and sometimes they actually post cool shiz.

Historically, @sixstringsteve, both because he posted genuinely interesting stuff and because I just didn't know how someone could spend that much time behind a keyboard! We miss you Steve!

Of late, @spaggyroe and that Bronco build... damn

But yeah, after 17+ years of RME membership, there are lots and lots of people I enjoy reading when they post stuff; but these are who I can think of right now.

Oh, and @Cody, because he's a complete, unfiltered asshole (but also one of the most genuine people I know).


Well-Known Member
All the people already mentioned. For all the reasons already mentioned. And others. @Kevin B. always cracks me up, and he's pretty wise, too. I've been following every @glockman post too. And others! Hate to start naming names, I'll miss someone I don't want to miss #can'trembershit. Like, @cruiseroutfit. And @Jinx.

Lot's of good folks that I'm always interested in what they are posting here.



Ant Anstead of Dirtbikes
Supporting Member
Man y'all are good people. A few of note.

I wish I could shoot as good as @glockman

I wish I was as kind and genuinely interested in other as @Tonkaman

I love @iceaxe pictures. He doesn't post on here enough anymore. Pretty quiet dude in real life the type of person who doesn't talk unless it's important .
I want to be like @rholbrook when I'm older he plays more than anyone I know (with grandkids!)

@DAA is one of the few people who is even cooler in real life.

@I Lean saved my bacon about 10 years ago when Karl and I competed in Delta before it was OSRC and screwed up a perfectly good 4runner so he's cool I guess...

I miss being able to give @mbryson crap about his permanent not permanent trail fixes.

I Lean

Mbryson's hairdresser
@I Lean.... and still keeps his garage so clean. .

Uhhh....no. It is not clean, nor organized. Has never been, other than when brand-new.

Besides a lot of the already-mentioned people, I'll add that I always watch what @BCGPER has to say. Chances are, it's good advice. (whatever it may be)

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
Vehicular limbo
I don't wanna name anybody for fear that I'd forget somebody, and I'd totally forget somebody. Chances are if I'm paying attention to your posts you already know it anyway. But I just wanna say thanks to everybody. RME is a pretty unique place on the interwebs and besides the work Greg and Shane do to keep it up, it's also down to everybody else that keeps it awesome.