Die Blaue Ziege

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    • Die Blaue Ziege
      Die Blaue Ziege reacted to Greg's post in the thread Whiskey with Like Like.
      Well, Merry Christmas to you!
    • Die Blaue Ziege
      Die Blaue Ziege reacted to Cody's post in the thread Whiskey with Like Like.
      I sat on it for a year and I shared it with my family and friends the night before our grand opening.
    • Die Blaue Ziege
      Die Blaue Ziege replied to the thread Whiskey.
      This is the first time I have ever purchased allocated products from the liquor store, I was able to pick up a bottle of Eagle rare and...
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    • Die Blaue Ziege
      Die Blaue Ziege replied to the thread Rot Box’s Superduty.
      you know there is a guy who lives really close to you that has a very similar truck with a 6" lift and 35" tires that would be very...
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    • Die Blaue Ziege
      I don't think I had mentioned these two books before, but man its an interesting read, give them a chance and hear a different side to...
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    • Die Blaue Ziege
      I think it has been well documented that the best road trip/off road/adventure bike is a honda 90. Ed March would agree :)
    • Die Blaue Ziege
      Die Blaue Ziege replied to the thread Whiskey.
      I just returned from North Carolina, I picked up three local bottles, only one is whiskey but here they are: a bottle of Old Raleigh...
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    • Die Blaue Ziege
      Die Blaue Ziege reacted to jeeper's post in the thread Spotted with Like Like.
      215/47th s exit. I passed it so fast I didn’t get a good look. But I think there is more than meets the eye here.
    • Die Blaue Ziege
      Die Blaue Ziege replied to the thread Ladies carry pistol?.
      I love my p38t, small, fits in my front pocket, has a belt clip. And dead reliable. I had an original lc9, but found it a bit...
    • Die Blaue Ziege
      Die Blaue Ziege reacted to ID Bronco's post in the thread Hunting Season Opened for us with Like Like.
      It's late September again (I can't believe it's here already) and that means sage grouse hunting. This year I was excited that all of...
    • Die Blaue Ziege
      Die Blaue Ziege replied to the thread Whiskey.
      Well yes this is true, the lock is an rfdi and there is a camera in this room as it is in our entry. The main thing was it is now out...
    • Die Blaue Ziege
      Die Blaue Ziege reacted to bobdog's post in the thread Whiskey with Haha Haha.
      😂 When I was a teenager my dad locked the cabinet when my parents left town. I invested in a lock pick kit.
    • Die Blaue Ziege
      Die Blaue Ziege replied to the thread Whiskey.
      So my wife decided our kids are finally of the age that the liquor needed to have a locked storage. So she built this cabinet, it’s not...
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    • Die Blaue Ziege
      Die Blaue Ziege replied to the thread Whiskey.
      It was on draft, so probably the Festbier, it was the first day it was being served for the year, so I had to give it a try! I don't...
    • Die Blaue Ziege
      Die Blaue Ziege replied to the thread Whiskey.
      Man, tell us how you really feel on the subject :) BTW Wife and I stopped in and had a few brews and dinner, the WEE Heavy weas very...
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