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    • spencurai
      spencurai replied to the thread NJ Drone swarms.
      They were doing reality capture and as-built construction progress scanning. I used to run software and capture for a similar deal.
    • spencurai
      spencurai reacted to Cody's post in the thread NJ Drone swarms with Like Like.
      I'm being surveilled by everything every time I have my phone with me, use a computer, make a purchase, take a shit etc. I look at a...
    • spencurai
      spencurai reacted to ID Bronco's post in the thread NJ Drone swarms with Like Like.
      Every time I have been in this situation it is in places that motorized recreation is not allowed, thus the "long hike in" and it weeds...
    • spencurai
      spencurai replied to the thread NJ Drone swarms.
      What suspect motives are we referring to here? Are you afraid someone is "Casing the joint" before they come rob you? Are you afraid...
    • spencurai
      spencurai replied to the thread NJ Drone swarms.
      So someone flying a drone within shotgun range of you is inappropriate somehow? WHY IS IT INAPPROPRIATE? Can you prove the drone is...
    • spencurai
      spencurai replied to the thread NJ Drone swarms.
      Why do you want to destroy the personal property of others? What justification do you have for the desire to destroy a drone that is...
    • spencurai
      spencurai replied to the thread NJ Drone swarms.
      So what things in the outdoors don't bother you or is it just the fact that someone is flying a drone? Do outboard motors bother you? Do...
    • spencurai
      spencurai replied to the thread NJ Drone swarms.
      Why do you feel that open season on drones should begin? You could kill someone by disabling a drone and having it fall on them? You...
    • spencurai
      spencurai replied to the thread NJ Drone swarms.
      This. As the resident drone professional with over 10 years of professional drone experience dealing with military contractors all the...
    • spencurai
      spencurai reacted to I Lean's post in the thread NJ Drone swarms with Like Like.
      People are dumb enough to think any light in the sky is a drone. ANY light. Including stars...
    • spencurai
      Ya, but if the property is free then you're ahead...plus things are cheaper in Europe. Better access to better food, better healthcare...
    • spencurai
      spencurai reacted to Cody's post in the thread Political 2024 presidential election with Like Like.
      I'm intentionally staying out of this, but the irony of creating a new government program to reduce government programs is not lost on...
    • spencurai
      spencurai reacted to mbryson's post in the thread Political 2024 presidential election with Like Like.
      All clowns making a LOT of $ of the taxpayers backs... It's getting time for a reset
    • spencurai
      I know you said you aren't accepting "what about" s but, spend a little while watching or listening to Jimmy Dore. You will probably...
    • spencurai
      spencurai reacted to jeeper's post in the thread Political 2024 presidential election with Like Like.
      #5 for me is also knowing that my vote actually doesn’t matter one bit here in Utah. I only voted because I promised a neighbor I would...
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