I come from a low income family, but there was always wrenchin' goin on. I have an obsession for building/owning BigBoyToys that make people go "WOW!"
Spending time with my two kids and what I like to call "buy,swap,trade" on Craigslist. I also really enjoy doing repairs on vehicles for people who dont have alot of money,(for cheap.)
- Location
Astoria, OR
- 4x4 Vehicle(s)
- 1991 Toyota 4runner, 1988 Toyota P/U 4x4
- Favorite Trail(s)
- "Power Line Trail" 3 miles up Linehann's Mainline Located 1 mile east of Astoria on Hwy 202
- Member of
- Occupation
- Self-Employed Mechanic, Welder, Fabricator