Cody's latest activity

  • Cody
    Cody replied to the thread Political So now what.
    I think there absolutely will be shots fired at her gender specifically. I mean, Trump walked into "It's a man's world" before his rally...
  • Cody
    Cody replied to the thread Political So now what.
    So follow me here, but I think I have the most American solution possible. Let's put Harris, Hillary, and M. Obama in a locked cage...
  • Cody
    Cody reacted to Kevin B.'s post in the thread Political So now what with Like Like.
    In defense of the RME crowd, I don't see a lot of MAGA sentiment here. I think most folks are aware that Trump is not ideal. They're...
  • Cody
    Cody replied to the thread Political So now what.
    I'd be into a Michelle Obama ticket. Hard pass on Hillary. I'd be into Bernie too, but I've had enough septuagenarians in office for my...
  • Cody
    Cody reacted to Trate D's post in the thread Political So now what with Like Like.
    I really think the “Trumpies” are the same as the complete non-Trumpies. They will do anything but admit one good policy or 1 good...
  • Cody
    Cody reacted to Herzog's post in the thread Political So now what with Like Like.
  • Cody
    Cody replied to the thread Political So now what.
    I know her numbers are bad, but is it because she's done something bad or just because she's kind of taken a back seat and people...
  • Cody
    Cody reacted to Hickey's post in the thread Political So now what with Like Like.
    Bro, stay hydrated. With BeWilder, of course.
  • Cody
    Cody replied to the thread Mental health: it’s ok to talk..
    Wouldn't it be Bromigo? I've either completely lost touch with reality or I've completely killed my emotional side. I have so much big...
  • Cody
    Cody replied to the thread Political So now what.
    lol, I totally hadn't thought of that. So true! This is how the robots learn to rage!
  • Cody
    Cody reacted to notajeep's post in the thread Political So now what with Like Like.
    Whoa whoa whoa there @Cody THERE IS NO NEED TO BRING T-SWIZZLE INTO THIS!
  • Cody
    Cody reacted to 02SE's post in the thread Political So now what with Like Like.
    I mentioned Covid, because you said this: Which was the reason for my, as you stated, "History Lesson" on Covid. Apparently we'll...
  • Cody
    Cody reacted to johngottfredson's post in the thread Political So now what with Like Like.
    I agree with this. Kind of bummed; with the satisfaction of seeing the democrats implode with Biden, and Trump’s seeming political...
  • Cody
    Cody replied to the thread Political So now what.
    Trump is a religion. His followers are going to defend him in the same way. Deflect accountability, reassign blame, ignore facts, defend...
  • Cody
    Cody reacted to Pike2350's post in the thread Political So now what with Like Like.
    Now you have officially lost me. You started with the history lesson of COVID. I never claimed COVID started on or during Biden's...