notajeep's latest activity

  • notajeep
    notajeep reacted to Cody's post in the thread Divorce with Like Like.
    I'm sure many people here have contacts. I've never experienced this myself, but I do have a contact with a family lawyer that I can...
  • notajeep
    notajeep reacted to Hickey's post in the thread Divorce with Like Like.
    Time and distance does help with that, at least in my case. My ex and I are pretty civil these days, and we can be at the same family...
  • notajeep
    notajeep reacted to ID Bronco's post in the thread Divorce with Like Like.
    Let's hope so for the kids sake (weddings, grandkids, ect) Best of luck through this.
  • notajeep
    I ordered some small parts from Barnes 4WD early last week. I hadn't heard anything other than getting an order confirmation immediately...
  • notajeep
    notajeep replied to the thread Divorce.
    I get that... She's already told our grown daughter that she would never be in the same room with me.. period. No for holidays...
  • notajeep
    notajeep reacted to Kiel's post in the thread Divorce with Like Like.
    I tried to be reasonable for years, you just become a crutch after they realize the things they didn't notice before. If there are...
  • notajeep
    notajeep reacted to johngottfredson's post in the thread Divorce with Like Like.
    This one really depends on the personality of both parties. I have family members with good relationships with their exes, others that...
  • notajeep
    notajeep reacted to Kiel's post in the thread Divorce with Like Like.
    Get in and Get out as fast as possible. Don't stay friends and don't communicate after it's done. Move on.
  • notajeep
    notajeep reacted to SoopaHick's post in the thread Divorce with Like Like.
    I can't stress this enough. Especially the second point. My stepdad is dumb.... like not socially adept in any way shape or form and got...
  • notajeep
    notajeep reacted to Gravy's post in the thread Divorce with Like Like.
    Mine was amicable and we were poor as dirt so easy to split half of nothing but I was a nice guy and paid off her secret credit card to...
  • notajeep
    notajeep reacted to ID Bronco's post in the thread Divorce with Like Like.
    The most expensive thing in the world is often a cheap attorney.
  • notajeep
    notajeep reacted to Hickey's post in the thread Divorce with Like Like.
    A consultation with a well respected attorney was a lifesaver for me.
  • notajeep
    notajeep reacted to moab_cj5's post in the thread Divorce with Like Like.
    I have no advice to give, but I'm here if you need someone to talk to.
  • notajeep
    notajeep reacted to Thursty's post in the thread Divorce with Like Like.
    We’re here for ya.
  • notajeep
    notajeep reacted to DAA's post in the thread Divorce with Like Like.
    Damn straight. - DAA