Pike2350's latest activity

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    Pike2350 replied to the thread Political So now what.
    You don't like how the media paints all Republicans or Trump supporters as violent or racist, based on the actions of plenty of Trump...
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    Pike2350 reacted to RustEoldtrux's post in the thread Political So now what with Haha Haha.
    I’m supporting Trump because he obviously is not part of the deep state, and I’m hoping he can help this nation purge the corruption...
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    Pike2350 reacted to Hickey's post in the thread Let's Talk Lawns with Like Like.
    That’ll grow in fine. Try to find some starter fertilizer for it, or “Lawn Food”.
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    Pike2350 replied to the thread Let's Talk Lawns.
    2 weeks ago I installed sod in to the backyard. I watered daily and did the first lawn mowing tonight. A few spots are brown and I...
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    Pike2350 reacted to N-Smooth's post in the thread Nate’s longterm tiny shop build with Cool Cool.
    Garage door got installed today. I’m immensely pleased with the decision to do a high-lift track and a wall-mounted opener. It’s RAD!
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    Pike2350 replied to the thread EcoBoost.
    I called Tunex referenced in This Thread and was quoted $3k and another $3k for the turbos because it is roughly done in the same...
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    Pike2350 reacted to rholbrook's post in the thread EcoBoost with Like Like.
    I have had my mainifolds done at Lodder Automotive in Bountiful. For some reason I remember it being in the $1,200 range but I'm old...
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    Pike2350 replied to the thread EcoBoost.
    My biggest issue right now is the manifold. At $3-5k to replace it's a lot to dump. My Trans has started to feel that it shifts a...
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    Pike2350 reacted to rholbrook's post in the thread EcoBoost with Like Like.
    My 2012 EcoBoost has 295K miles on it. It’s had 3 exhaust manifolds and one tuneup and one coil pack. It still runs good. My 2021...
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    I am still friends with kids I knew from elementary school through high-school. We try and get together regularly (lunch tomorrow and...
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    Pike2350 replied to the thread Spotted.
    Spotted a Grenadier Ineos in the wild this morning.. They are pretty cool. Sorry for the bad Pic.
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    Pike2350 reacted to jeeper's post in the thread Political So now what with Like Like.
    Let’s not go forgetting that many many many wrong doings have and are being done by republicans also. There is no good vs evil. It’s...
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    Pike2350 replied to the thread EcoBoost.
    I have used a few different brands for plugs and haven't noticed a difference. The biggest thing is I read to change every 40-50k or...
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    That looks great! I especially love the base boards.
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    First time posting to this thread. When the wife and I bought our first home back in 1991, the main focus after purchasing the home was...