Recent content by ZappBranigan

  1. ZappBranigan

    Camping rules for BLM lands W. of Canyonlands?

    Not sure if I'll make it into the Maze proper but I definitely intend to hit Panorama Point/Cleopatra's Chair and the Maze Overlook. I'll have to make the decision when I get there based on the road conditions. And yes, my plan is to exit south to the Hite Marina area and then pick up Burr...
  2. ZappBranigan

    Camping rules for BLM lands W. of Canyonlands?

    Does anyone know what the camping rules (if any) are for the BLM land West of Canyonlands? I'm leaving CO on March 23 and heading towards the Maze district (got my "permission slips" for the 24-25 March time frame.) My plan is to come in through Green River and then head Southwest on UT24...
  3. ZappBranigan

    A couple of Canyonlands questions...

    Good News! After a week of getting nothing but busy signals I finally got through to the Canyonlands phone and talked to the Ranger there. I'll be faxing in my campsite request as soon as I can. Thanks for all the help! Looks like my trip is on, 23-28 March, will be hitting Canyonlands...
  4. ZappBranigan

    A couple of Canyonlands questions...

    Hi, everyone. I'm going to be heading to the Canyonlands in March (looks like the week after the EJS) and have a few questions... First off, I haven't been able to get through to anyone at Canyonlands regarding getting a backcountry permit for White Rim. My understanding is that these...
  5. ZappBranigan

    Suzuki Equator

    We don't need another version of the Frontier. I'd much rather see something like the "X-Head" concept truck. More here Kind of makes me think of a "mini-me" Unimog. ;)
  6. ZappBranigan

    Hello from Colorado...

    Hi, everybody. I was referred over here from my other favorite board, the board. I've owned 4wd vehicles on and off for almost 30 years (my first 4x4 was a 1957 International Travelall!) and done a fair amount of 'wheeling over the years. However, I'm not a hardcore...