2024 Goals


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For 2024 my personal goals are below. My intent is to track my progress at least monthly to keep me focused. I may or may not post those updates here.

Personal Goals for 2024
  1. Average 10k steps per day - 3,650,000 steps minimum in the year
  2. Camp at least 1 night in every month
  3. Camp a minimum of 45 nights
    1. Stretch goal 60 nights
  4. Read or listen to 12 books - at least 1 per month
  5. Ride my MTN bike at least 104 times for a minimum of 30 minutes each ride
  6. Take wife on at least 52 dates
  7. Do at least 12 one on one activities with each child living at home
  8. Do at least 6 one on one activities with married child
  9. Drive at least one new to me dirt road each month
  10. Visit 5 new county peaks
    1. Mt Cardwell - Wasatch
    2. East Mountain - Emery
    3. South Tent Mountain - Sanpete
    4. Delano Peak - Beaver/Piute
    5. Signal Peak - Washington
Trail Goals
  • Hole in the Rock
  • The Twist
  • Butler Wash
  • Visit the Maze District
  • Engineer's Pass
  • Black Bear Pass
  • Imogene Pass
Hike Slot Canyons
  • Moonshine Wash
  • Little Wild Horse & Bell canyons
  • Ding & Dang canyons
  • Crack & Chute canyons

Those are mine, what are your goals for 2024?
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Sandy, Ut
My goal, be less goal oriented :D

I’d like to make some progress on my AFC project, spending 3-4 days at a time up there hiking and documenting sites.

I’d like to explore more in NE Utah (Vernal, Flaming Gorge, etc)

I‘d like camp more. I don’t know my 2023 numbers but I suspect 40’ish.

I’d like Candace to be able to park in the garage :D


I run a tight ship... wreck
My 2024 Goals include planning more RME trips, both hard rock crawling in the TJ and more mild back country camping trips with the Gladiator over a long weekend. I need to get more work done setting the Gladiator up for camping out of.

  • Hanging Tree
  • Montrose trails
  • Sand Hollow
  • Moab (Pritchett, Pickle, Moab Rim, Cliffhanger, Kane Creek, etc)
  • Holy Cross
  • Montezuma Canyon / Alstrom / Escalante
  • RME Trip up 21 Road & Billings Canyon / the Cutoff
  • I'd like to attempt Hard Nox since it's nearby
And anything else fun that comes up over time!


Burn-barrel enthusiast
Supporting Member
My only solid goal for 2024 is running the Idaho Backcountry Discovery Route

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.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member

20 trail days in the JT
EJS 2024
Ghost town tour
Some Swell trips

5-8 trail days in the "Jeep" (once it's refurbished self is complete)
Coyote Canyon
21 Road
Hanging Tree


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Supporting Member
January Update:
  1. I am 17,489 steps behind due to traveling and not getting 10k steps for a few days. I am whittling that down by walking more each day to get caught up.
  2. I camped exactly 1 night in January
  3. 1 night so far toward the 45 night goal.
  4. I have listened to 4 books so far. I listen to the books when I walk at night and when I drive so I am getting loads of time listening. I am out of Audible credits, so I will get caught up on podcasts until I get my next credit and select my next book.
    1. Breath - James Nestor
    2. Endurance - Alfred Lansing
    3. The Secret War With Iran - Ronen Bergman
    4. The Mysterious Case of Rudolf Diesel - Douglas Brunt
  5. Didn't ride my MTN bike at all yet. With the warm weather, I could get it out and ride Antelope Island, or take it south next time I head to the home office for work. This will likely be more of a spring through fall goal.
  6. I missed 1 date in a week with my wife, so have to get 2 in a week soon to make up for it.
  7. I didn't get a One on One with my daughter in January, but got one with my son. Need to get 2 with my Daughter soon to get caught up.
  8. Got a One on One with my married son.
  9. Drove several new to me dirt roads in January so certainly on track for this one.
I didn't hike any peaks, drive any of my goal trails, or hike any of my goal slots in January. I do expect to get some of the Slot canyons in February.


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February Update:
  1. I am 16,813 steps ahead thanks to a few hikes and a business trip that required walking long distnaces in Las Vegas.
  2. I camped 4 nights in February
  3. I have camped 5 nights toward the 45 night goal. 60 will still be a stretch, but within reach still.
  4. I have listened to 5 books so far:
    1. Breath - James Nestor
    2. Endurance - Alfred Lansing
    3. The Secret War With Iran - Ronen Bergman
    4. The Mysterious Case of Rudolf Diesel - Douglas Brunt
    5. The Terminal List - Jack Carr
  5. Still haven't ridden my MTN bike yet. Soon!
  6. I have averaged 1 date per week with my wife and am on track for this one.
  7. I am 1 one on one behind with my daughter, but am on track with my youngest. Need to do better with my daughter.
  8. I am well ahead regarding one on ones with my oldest.
  9. Drove several new to me dirt roads in February so still on track with this as well.
I didn't hike any peaks, drive any of my goal trails, or hike any of my goal slots in February. I did hike some slot canyons in Feb, just not the ones on my list. I do anticipate getting some of them checked off in March though.


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March Update, 1/4th of the year is past:
  1. I am 22,978 steps ahead which is good since I injured my back last week and will no doubt fall short of my step goals for a week or so recuperating.
  2. I camped 6 nights in March
  3. I have camped 11 nights YTD. 60 will still be a stretch, but within reach still.
  4. I have listened to 7 books so far:
    1. Breath - James Nestor
    2. Endurance - Alfred Lansing
    3. The Secret War With Iran - Ronen Bergman
    4. The Mysterious Case of Rudolf Diesel - Douglas Brunt
    5. The Terminal List - Jack Carr
    6. The Art of War - Sun Tzu
    7. Saving Bravo - Stephan Talty
  5. Rode my MTN bike 1 time - It was a blast. Looking forward to healing up and getting out 3-5 times a week as weather permits.
  6. I missed one weekly date with my wife. I will make it up this week.
  7. I am on track with 1 on 1's with my daughter and youngest son.
  8. I am well ahead regarding one on ones with my oldest.
  9. Drove a few new to me dirt roads in March so still on track with this as well.
  10. Hiked Little Wild Horse and Bell Canyons in March. Cool canyons!
I didn't hike any peaks or drive any of my goal trails in March. I don't expect to get any of them in April either, but hopefully will get some more slot canyons if time permits.


Well-Known Member
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April Update a few days late...
  1. I am 12,148 steps ahead, having lost some of my cushion from some trips with lots of driving.
  2. I camped 4 nights in April.
  3. I have camped 15 nights YTD. 60 will still be a stretch, but within reach still.
  4. I have listened to 13 books so far, adding 5 in April due to lots of windshield time:
    1. Savage Son - Jack Carr
    2. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Mark Twain
    3. The Devil's Hand - Jack Carr
    4. In the Blood - Jack Carr
    5. Only the Dead - Jack Carr
  5. Rode my MTN bike 1 time in April, leaving 102 times for my goal, but weather has not cooperated just yet. May is looking promising.
  6. I am 4 dates behind with my wife. I need to do better when I am in town.
  7. I am on track with 1 on 1's with my daughter and youngest son.
  8. I am well ahead regarding one on ones with my oldest.
  9. Drove a few new to me dirt roads in April so still on track with this as well.
  10. I hiked Ding and Dang canyons in April. They were awesome and challenging due to the water in them.
I didn't hike any peaks or drive any of my goal trails in April. With my Cruiser in need of repairs, the trail goals may be in jeopardy due to the cost of fixing my rig taking from the vacation fund for the year. There is a lot of year left, but being realistic I may have to revise the trails goals.


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Apparently I missed an update for May, so this update is through June, or the 1st half of the year.
  1. I am 15,112 steps behind due to some illness and travel. I hope to build a cusion back in by the end of July.
  2. I camped 1 night in May and 9 nights in June.
  3. I have camped 25 nights through the June, I need to pick up the pace if I am going to hit 60 for the year, but am well on my way to 45.
  4. I have listened to 19 books so far, adding 6 in May and June:
    1. American Sniper
    2. The Comfort Crisis
    3. The Codling of the American Mind
    4. No Way Out
    5. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
    6. Surprise Kill Vanish
  5. I am desperatly behind on MTN Bike rides, needing 99 more 30 min rides in the 2nd half of the year to reach this goal (meaning I have only ridden 5 times). This goal felt WAY more attainable in January, thinking it would be easy to average 2 rides a week all year. I need to get after this!
  6. I am 2 dates behind with my wife. Need to keep this in focus.
  7. I am 1 behind regarding 1 on 1's with my daughter. I will make that up next week when we do a road trip together for her to attend EFY.
  8. I am on track with 1 on 1's with my youngest son.
  9. I am on track with 1 on 1's with my oldest son.
  10. I have driven a few new to me dirt roads so I am on track with this one.
  11. Crossed off my first county peak of the year by hiking Mt Cardwell in June. Looking to get 5 more this summer before the snow flies, some will be easier to bag than others.
  12. With my Cruiser still down being repaired, the trail goals aren't going to happen. I will revise that goal and see what I can feasably do once I have my cruiser back on the road and know if I have any funds left for big-ish trips in 2024.
  13. No new slot canyons since April. Since it is now summer, my focus will be peaks and will go for slot canyons in the fall when it cools off a bit.


I hate Jeep trucks
Pleasant Grove
Apparently I missed an update for May, so this update is through June, or the 1st half of the year.
  1. I am 15,112 steps behind due to some illness and travel. I hope to build a cusion back in by the end of July.
  2. I camped 1 night in May and 9 nights in June.
  3. I have camped 25 nights through the June, I need to pick up the pace if I am going to hit 60 for the year, but am well on my way to 45.
  4. I have listened to 19 books so far, adding 6 in May and June:
    1. American Sniper
    2. The Comfort Crisis
    3. The Codling of the American Mind
    4. No Way Out
    5. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
    6. Surprise Kill Vanish
  5. I am desperatly behind on MTN Bike rides, needing 99 more 30 min rides in the 2nd half of the year to reach this goal (meaning I have only ridden 5 times). This goal felt WAY more attainable in January, thinking it would be easy to average 2 rides a week all year. I need to get after this!
  6. I am 2 dates behind with my wife. Need to keep this in focus.
  7. I am 1 behind regarding 1 on 1's with my daughter. I will make that up next week when we do a road trip together for her to attend EFY.
  8. I am on track with 1 on 1's with my youngest son.
  9. I am on track with 1 on 1's with my oldest son.
  10. I have driven a few new to me dirt roads so I am on track with this one.
  11. Crossed off my first county peak of the year by hiking Mt Cardwell in June. Looking to get 5 more this summer before the snow flies, some will be easier to bag than others.
  12. With my Cruiser still down being repaired, the trail goals aren't going to happen. I will revise that goal and see what I can feasably do once I have my cruiser back on the road and know if I have any funds left for big-ish trips in 2024.
  13. No new slot canyons since April. Since it is now summer, my focus will be peaks and will go for slot canyons in the fall when it cools off a bit.
Dave, I am down to MTB any evening. I'm on an analog bike so you'll have to wait for me, but I try to ride CC twice a week and have been semi successful after winter ended in May.


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Dave, I am down to MTB any evening. I'm on an analog bike so you'll have to wait for me, but I try to ride CC twice a week and have been semi successful after winter ended in May.
I'll take you up on that. I usually ride in ECO mode so I am about as fast on climbs as analog riders so no waiting is necessary. I just need to prioritize riding!