Wine into Water Fundraiser


Registered User
My Rotary Club is hosting a fundraiser that goes towards clear water projects. This year our focus is on several projects in Uganda I am involved with.

The event has wine tasting (and Italian sodas for us non-drinkers), great food and fun people to hang out with.



Registered User
Still time to buy tickets (including at the door).

Great food, a lot of good people to talk to, wine and Italian sodas, all while raising money for clean water and sustainable food projects in Uganda.

I have been working on developing the projects since my visit to Uganda in 2021.

We hope to:

1) Drill water wells in the Nakivale Refugee Settlement
2) Establish fruit tree farms (disease resistant mangoes, jack fruit and bread fruit) in multiple communities
3) Plant bamboo for improved water quality and economic development.


Registered User
As a sponsor, I have two extra tickets to the event.

Anyone interested, please let me know. Come and enjoy the drinks and food, and hopefully be willing to donate (they have an "opportunity drawing" with a number of cool things, including ones focused for you dog lovers.)

PM me, first to commit gets them.