Making getting old a bit more fun


Long Jeep Fan
Holladay, Utah
Today I hit 68, to make it less of a sting I decided to go with my son up in the mountains Friday to see if I could participate in 6 hobbies in 8 hours. Here is what we did:
Hobby 1 Jumped in the Scrambler and headed up to the Uintas to do some off roading where my son is scouting for an elk hunt he has coming up.
Hobby 2 While my son was scoping the hillsides I went and looked for rocks and found some cool agates including red horn coral.
Hobby 3 Hiked around a bunch.
Hobby 4 We invited some grouse home for dinner.
Hobby 5 Looked for mushrooms to go with the grouse.
Hobby 6 Caught some tiger trout.
Hobby 7 Wildlife viewing, saw lots of the standard critters but the best was a bald eagle flying over the lake.
We spent 8 hours on dirt roads so I met my goal +1. I hope to repeat next year where I get an extra hour.
Sorry I was too busy to take pictures.