Political So now what

Political discussions within
I love that you spent time writing about "practical reality" and wax about how "conservatives" can't think beyond their nose because that's how you perceive them to be. It's all strawman and ironic. Are you exempt from this "practical reality" and does it only affect the people in your novel? This is some serious fluoride induced "moral relativism" philosophy.
It is not only a conservative thing...I simply used their position for my example because it generally aligned with the position they have on immigration.

Care to expand on my "moral relativism"? I simply pointed out that conservatives push for certain things to happen and argue (at least every conservative I've had these discussions with has) that it will turn out how they expect, such as kids won't have sex, or get pregnant, or that people won't have unprotected sex and get pregnant, or that these low paying, hard labor jobs will be filled by those on welfare. Yet, when you stand back and look at the reality, it never matches their expectations.

So, please care to explain how I'm even touching on morality?

[edit] just saw Cody's post and I think Cody summed it up well from my perspective.