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  1. SAMI


    You live another day, comrade.
  2. SAMI

    Tech guys: Help me chose a modem

    I just upgraded to a new router (for some reason I don't need a modem with my ISP)... I don't know anything about this stuff, but that's what I was instructed to do - upgrade router no need for modem... Anyways, FWIW, I went with a Netgear AC1200.. and now for anything potentially useful: I...
  3. SAMI

    Blast from the past....

    Those little guys were my life in 2003
  4. SAMI

    The H'ell Camino

    Looks awesome Greg
  5. SAMI


    Ya'll should buy Force of Nature... I've been using it in my home for several months, Jacey's school started using it, and I just got my employer on board. It's on the FDA's list of proven COVID-19 killers and it's all natural. Check...
  6. SAMI


    I dunno, it honestly wasn't even that far... It was stay home unless you need to go somewhere. Work from home if you are able to do so.... It was left open ended in that County Health Depts can raise restrictions if they feel the need. But as of now there is no 'essential businesses only'...
  7. SAMI


    Curious what the opinionated think about this piece....
  8. SAMI


    POTUS said it best, "The cure cannot be worse than the problem".
  9. SAMI

    Who On Here Cuts/Welds Aluminum?

    So Carlos can cut what I need, now I just need someone with a TIG for some spot welds
  10. SAMI

    Who On Here Cuts/Welds Aluminum?

    Just confirmed, he doesn't play with the aluminums
  11. SAMI

    Who On Here Cuts/Welds Aluminum?

    I just assumed he doesn't TIG....
  12. SAMI

    Who On Here Cuts/Welds Aluminum?

    I've got a project for someone who can cut aluminum sheet (approx 1/8" thick) 4pcs to approx 10x40" and laser/water cut a logo, then spot weld some pieces to the back to create a box. I'm redoing some signage for my company and need someone with aluminum capabilities... Who is you?
  13. SAMI

  14. SAMI


    This is how we win. I love seeing all of the stories on how businesses are offering services or innovating and collaborating to meet needs during this pandemic.
  15. SAMI


    Side note going back to Harvard Professor Dr Charles Lieber and his Wuhan China lab connection... Harvard Pres & his wife both test positive for COVID-19 Also interesting to draw a connection...
  16. SAMI


    I'm in the process of designing a line of UV-C products... COVID-19 will be back again in fall, along with my UV-C microorganism nuking lights. I'm honestly wondering why UV-C isn't more commonplace among homes, offices, travelers.
  17. SAMI


    I believe that we're 1-2wks away from this point.
  18. SAMI


    Bought me another one of them AR14's and a whole lotta freedom seeds on Saturday...
  19. SAMI


    You answered your own question. tHe OnLy ThInG iT dOeS = less people die
  20. SAMI


    Worth the watch to at the very least hear what the task force has been up to, and what the professionals are doing... History being made here. Warnign edit... it is lengthy.