Search results

  1. jackjoh

    More "what should I buy" questions- Grand Cherokee

    In my search for a good highway little off road I have seriously looked at a 2011 or newer G C .
  2. jackjoh

    South-West Utah Winter 4x4 Jamboree January 23rd and 24th, 2015

    I will be glad when you guys post up some pictures. Had to cancel this year so want to enjoy vicariously thru your pictures. Have a good time and tell everyone Jack said hello and hope to make it next year.
  3. jackjoh

    3rd Annual St. George Winter Riding Trip

    I agree with Greg, we had to cancel. Opps thought you were talking about the 4x4 winter run.
  4. jackjoh

    Help me decide I want a mid-size SUV

    Thanks for showing me this site. It gave the best comparisons I have seen. I am now leaning towards the KIA Sedona minivan. I like the fact that it has AWD, lower price than some, 10/100,000 guarantee, fair gas mileage, reclining 2nd row seats and I would try to put one in the passenger front...
  5. jackjoh

    Help me decide I want a mid-size SUV

    Thanks again. Just got back from the Auto Show Sat. and like the new Jeep Patriot for its retro look, they no longer make the Liberty. Looked at Toyota Highlander and liked it. Also liked the RAV 4 and KIA, Hyundai, and believe it or not the Buick look a likes.
  6. jackjoh

    Help me decide I want a mid-size SUV

    A list of requirements. Must have full time 4 wheel drive. Does not need low range. Must be gasoline. Must be good for dirt roads and highway travel. Easy to get in and out of, not step down into or climb up into, We are now looking at hybrids to get good gas mileage as we want above 24...
  7. jackjoh

    Help me decide I want a mid-size SUV

    Thank you one and all. At the moment I am looking at Jeep, Grand Cherokee, and Liberty. Nissan, Exterra. Toyota, 4 runner, highlander, land cruiser (or an older Lexus). Now I have to get Joan on board because this will be her car and our highway car as I will continue to use the 95 Jeep ZJ...
  8. jackjoh

    Help me decide I want a mid-size SUV

    What do you guys think of the Jeep Liberty and Dodge Journey???
  9. jackjoh

    Favorite carry?

    I like the Beretta's also and used to carry a 22 short with the break top barrel back in LA, when it was illegal. because it was small and easy to hide.
  10. jackjoh

    Help me decide I want a mid-size SUV

    I would want low range just because I always have had it. So far it looks like 4runner over the Grand Cherokee. I like the looks of the new Cherokee. Will have to go drive them all now.
  11. jackjoh

    Help me decide I want a mid-size SUV

    I am looking for a mid-size SUV with a V-6. So far I like the Jeep Cherokee, Nissan Murano, and Toyota 4 Runner. 2011 or newer, below $25 K. I have a preference for Jeep and Dodge vehicles. No rough four wheeling just exploring and mild trails like the Honey Moon trail in St George.
  12. jackjoh

    four interior doors with hardware

    I also have some 5 gal buckets of food storage, beans, wheat.
  13. jackjoh

    four interior doors with hardware

    First come first served.
  14. jackjoh

    New Mad Max movie

    I would rather go four wheeling.
  15. jackjoh

    Good sleep while camping... what's comfortable, a cot?

    Cot with a ensolite pad. If it rained I jumped into the back of the Scout or through a plastic tarp over me.
  16. jackjoh

    Miller Motorsports Park craziness

    I remember about 4 years ago while talking to Kurt and the MMSP manager at a Teraflex outing that they did not know how much longer they could continue to keep the doors open. I was surprised but Kurt wasn't. Basically they needed to charge more for everyone that came in the gate and it would...
  17. jackjoh

    if you could ask your grandparents or great-grandparent 3 things, what would you ask?

    If you know his name you can get his military record from .
  18. jackjoh

    if you could ask your grandparents or great-grandparent 3 things, what would you ask?

    I joined the Mormon Church after three failed marriages when I was 49 years old but I kept my children and step-children. I told my children and grandchildren (the great grandchild is not old enough to understand) to join a church and if you don't you must follow the 10 commandments in your...
  19. jackjoh

    if you could ask your grandparents or great-grandparent 3 things, what would you ask?

    Since I am a great-grandparent just ask me. Questions I would ask. 1. How did the family survive the great potato famine in Ireland and is that the reason you moved to the United States of America. 2. It is hard to understand the Civil War, why did you fight? 3. I am positive Cowboys and...
  20. jackjoh

    Knee Surgery, Anyone?

    Mainly pain in the joint and not being able to sleep when it hurt. She loves the new cartilage stuff they use now.