They make training wheels. My grandson loves his and we have training wheels on his. I know I know, bad grandpa but the love to ride is growing. I'll deal with the training wheels soon.
Why don't you find your son a little 50 and the two of you can go. SSR makes a nice little 50. They are less than $1K new. There are a lot of inexpensive cheap 50s out there if thats what you want to do. I had a hard time finding a new Yamaha TTR50 but I found one a few weeks ago.
I have a client that does injection molding and one that does rotational molding. Something as big as storage you may want rotational molding. Let me know if you need any introductions
Makita Drill. Batteries are shot. Make me an offer.
Another older Makita Drill. Some deal. No offer refused. I like Diet Pepsi by the way
Rough Country wheel spacers and lug nuts. $50 obo for the set of 4
O’Reilly Premium Transmission Oil. Free
I miss your son's LJ too, especially after you got a hold of it. I still think I made a mistake. I have been thinking about selling my JK and getting another LJ.