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  1. greenjeep

    Jeep Building the Jeep Wrangler

    X2 He didn't stop smiling all day, even with an open front!!
  2. greenjeep

    I'm brilliant!

    After 2 tries Idiot Test
  3. greenjeep

    Kill The Dead!!

    I just had my arm ripped off and was beaten to death with it!!!
  4. greenjeep

    This is disturbing!

    He scares the bejesus out of me!!
  5. greenjeep

    A friend got hurt in Moab last weekend

    Wow, best of luck to him!
  6. greenjeep

    It's party time!

    If I can, I'll hit Hells with you guys with the Mando.
  7. greenjeep

    Old School Roll Call

    I'm out :( I have wiring issues which need to be addressed before I can try something like this. Hopefully next year!!
  8. greenjeep

    It's party time!

    Count on me, if I can't come I'll still pay. (grandma might be in town) Me plus 13 year old nephew.
  9. greenjeep

    Moab people...question (residents)

    Yep, it's the middle school. I teach at the HS, which has a huge parking lot but is harder to find though. Call Melinda, it shouldn't be a problem.
  10. greenjeep

    What's everybody's rigs look like nowadays????

    Day I bought it (early '99) '02ish Now Mando, bought it in '04 Now
  11. greenjeep

    New Wells book

    Get it, but be sure it's the spiral bound version.
  12. greenjeep

    It's party time!

    Sounds like I'm not going to be able to afford Delta, so tentatively plan on me +1. I'll let you know for sure.
  13. greenjeep

    Where do you fall?

    Take this short quiz to find out where you fall in the political spectrum. Quiz Here's mine:
  14. greenjeep

    Save Tellico thread

    Post up on Pirate Post here I know it's not our neck of the woods, but someday we may need their help.
  15. greenjeep

    Global Incident Map

    Whoa :eek:
  16. greenjeep

    Old School Rock Crawling May 23 & 24, in Delta Utah

    HERE is what Chad and I bought, if that helps.
  17. greenjeep

    So that's what happened

    More wheel speed seemed to cause more bounce, unless you mean start with more. The engine died, thats why i finally stopped bouncing :p
  18. greenjeep

    Rules Revised 4-29-08

    Looks good.
  19. greenjeep

    Old School Roll Call

    I'll be there. Still figuring out a spotter, but if that can be added later then I'll send in the form this weekend. David
  20. greenjeep

    So that's what happened

    That's my question, what did I do wrong, not enough speed, bad line, what? The 2 previous times I came right up and out!