Search results

  1. Kiel

    2002 5.3 chevy motor

    I wanna see the LS in a flat fender. The videos I see are amazing
  2. Kiel

    Are Classic Toyota Pickups the Next Big Thing?

    Recommending a Nissan hardbody or a pathfinder ha! I kept looking to see if it was on the onion
  3. Kiel

    Mountain biking down a mine shaft

    I guess you don't want to hear about my mine zip lining idea then....
  4. Kiel

    2017 Power Wagon

    Love my white knuckle sliders on the 100 also
  5. Kiel

    IRO double shear track bar hitting.

    I ran that setup on my old xj on 31s and low lift. I wonder if something is bent
  6. Kiel

    Mountain Bikes?

    Love our Kona s with hydraulic
  7. Kiel

    Stupid Question: To bed line before or after bolting on stuff

    Get them sprayed professional, log rub? What kind of thread is this?
  8. Kiel

    The Outlaws Run: 2004-2016

    ADD for sure
  9. Kiel

    General Tech 4x4 MOTORHOME BUILD

    I love it
  10. Kiel

    4 Years in Italy

    That grill is bad ass. Now the real question what beer are you drinking?
  11. Kiel

    Jeep Gregs Willys CJ2a, rusto-mod version

    is that a compliment or an insult?
  12. Kiel

    Fixing great grandpa's knife

    Is there a tang in the handle. How big?
  13. Kiel

    Atlas Cable Shifters

    I'm guessing you opened them so they are yours I would presume. Try to arrange a swap or sell separately? Unless your buddy can use them on a shop install and get you what you need.
  14. Kiel

    Backpack for trip to Europe

    Osprey is pretty much the highest rated pack out there. Worked good on the Napoli coast 22 miles for me
  15. Kiel

    Laser and plasma cutting agate

    It's not conductive so I'm guessing no
  16. Kiel

    Another Benchrace: family rig, reliable, cheap

    Older xterra s are cheap. But we were dumping 1500 to 2k to get them reliable again. Get a 100 series. I love ours
  17. Kiel

    If I moved back to UT...

    No deal. Kurt is full
  18. Kiel

    Benchrace: cheap, comfortable, driver, convertible ....J ?
  19. Kiel


    The first couple of episodes of every season are slow.
  20. Kiel


    I've watched all the seasons. I like the quirky utah guy. He made 2 know in case someone shows up