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  1. J

    ARB swap over picture

    Ok I thought this would be to complicated to explain so I'm posting a couple of pics in hope that I can explain better. I'm going to replace the red MV50 Compressor out for the new ARB Compressor. My question is: When looking at the second diagram will will notice a red plug in the top part...
  2. J

    ARB 12 Volt or 24 Volt?

    Thanks for all the replies...... I'll take the advise and stay with the 12 volts. :)
  3. J

    ARB 12 Volt or 24 Volt?

    I installing it on my rig, I only have one battery, does it have to be wired differently then a 12 volt? Does the 24 volt have more output? Not sure if the install is the same or what my advantage would be...... sorry kinda of a newbie at this.
  4. J

    ARB 12 Volt or 24 Volt?

    I'm going to install a new ARB onboard air compressor. I'm looking at the CKMA24 or the CKMA12.... but I'm not sure what is the best way to go, any ideas?
  5. J

    ARB air solenoid causing air escape.

    Problem found in new switch. I wanna give a big thanks to all who tried to help out. I've learned a lot by your comments trying to help me trouble shoot.
  6. J

    ARB air solenoid causing air escape.

    Is it possible it the problem lies in the rear diff? I'm not sure what that end of the arb line looks like. Oil ring? clogged/dirt??
  7. J

    ARB air solenoid causing air escape.

    Ok I've burnt out what was left of my brain, I'm thinking it's my orginal thought.... a bad "air solenoid", it's just that two in a row going bad, guess it's possible but ARB representative thought it was weird that even one would of acted like that. Guess I'll have to order another :(
  8. J

    ARB air solenoid causing air escape.

    Wish maybe I was set-up that way, but for now I gotta figure out why it's not working when it was. I just Switched the switches around to see if I had a bad switch and it appears when I use the four wire's off the back of this switch it cause the same problem on the other solenoid, so I have...
  9. J

    ARB air solenoid causing air escape.

    This is the same answer ARB gave to me, but I've verified that port 1 is tank pressure and port 2 goes to locker. All the air escapes through the little "vent screw".
  10. J

    ARB air solenoid causing air escape.

    Thanks for the feedback - Ok I hoping I can stay just with the grn wire and find a short, so I'll follow it from the switch all the way to the air solenoid. If I can't find a short in the grn wire then I'm going to assume it is the switch. Since nothing has changed since it was operable at one...
  11. J

    ARB air solenoid causing air escape.

    New air solenoid replaced and it still loses air. Ok let me see if I can explain what I noticed. There are two wires that go into each of my air solenoids. (front has grn and blk) rear one is (yel and blk). Since the air was escaping through my front air solenoid I replaced it, now the new...