Search results

  1. Gravy

    Any Mtn Bikers on RME?

    Found! Buried in the silt and ran over a bunch
  2. Gravy

    Any Mtn Bikers on RME?

    What time?
  3. Gravy

    What do I get for the next bike?

    I put Nitro Mousses in today. Does anyone else think they stink like a skunk?
  4. Gravy

    Dirt Bike riding tips & tricks

    You guys may already run mousse tubes. Here's a trick to making them last longer. Pull your rim tape and replace it with Gorilla Tape. Make sure you carefully cover all the holes and around the spokes. This way your bib mousse lube won't squirt out and dry the mousse out and make a big mess.
  5. Gravy

    Any Mtn Bikers on RME?

    Truthfully that's pretty inexpensive for racing. Most of the cost comes from pulling permits and insurance. Our USRA races are 60-75 bucks + (15 for plates +10 for transponders if you don't have them) and they're 100% volunteer driven.
  6. Gravy

    What do I get for the next bike?

    Tusk rear disc gaurd for an 18 took a small amount of fiddly grinding to fit. (I assume this is because the 18 had a Brembo caliper and the 19 is Magura). Acerbis front disc protector for an 18 bolted right up.
  7. Gravy

    What do I get for the next bike?

    I got a JD jet kit put in today. Red needle 3rd clip down from the top. It had the stock needle (2nd position). 420 main (stock was 450) 30 idle (it had a 25 in it) Air is 2 turns out. Idle is turned in quite a bit. Looped the overflow hose too (supposedly to combat spillage and up the fuel...
  8. Gravy

    Happy birthday Gravy

    Thanks guys! My insurance had a new phone overnighted to me today.
  9. Gravy

    Any Mtn Bikers on RME?

    I'm taking my wife to Faith Hill & Tim McGraw tonight, country music is not even close to my favorite ,but if I have another kid in 9 months, well...
  10. Gravy

    Any Mtn Bikers on RME?

    Sorry I missed the pump track yesterday, I took the kids to the Ogden Dino park and my wife took me to dinner afterwards for my birthday. I'd love to jump a bit. I could be convinced to race. I'm always up for pain and suffering in the name of competition. Details?
  11. Gravy

    Recommendations - JK D44 Front Axle Swap and other exciting items

    You find a straight axle slap a truss on it and badda bing you're golden. Also have you looked into having your existing axle straightened and trussed?
  12. Gravy

    Pee Wee racing

    Tiny Tech 7's!? She's so cool!
  13. Gravy

    Coyote problem

    I'd try to catch and dispose of crazy cat lady's coyote snacks first. Eliminate the temptation for the yotes.
  14. Gravy

    6.0 powerstroke rebuild.

    Chad, I got stressed to see a post here. Interstate is weird, I got a better price on them from Costco than with my dealer account at interstate... I'm excited it's running so well for you!
  15. Gravy

    Recommendations - JK D44 Front Axle Swap and other exciting items

    I might look for a used rubicon 44 front before I drop that kinda coin on new housing. but that's an excellent starting point, if you decide you want to ditch the project; I'll give you your money back on the Jeep ;)
  16. Gravy

    Any Mtn Bikers on RME?

    I had some pictures from our ride, but they are currently being stored in nature, wherever my cell phone is. Well riding with Steve was fun. He is so good at riding wheelies past Tibble Fork reservoir that women were cat calling and threw themselves at him! Jarvis would be proud. Also he's...
  17. Gravy

    Any Mtn Bikers on RME?

    Do I get to learn the secret handshake now? Took my kids to the park for lunch. I guess this stuff works.
  18. Gravy

    What do I get for the next bike?

    Jim at TM talked to me yesterday and showed me where to mod the skid plate to make it fit. The pipe is mounted a full 3" higher and closer to the frame too and the frame has a slightly different shape. Just some trimming as the thing is very flexible to begin with. I was also pleasantly...
  19. Gravy

    Any Mtn Bikers on RME?

    I Actually tried to buy Chesters through Chain Reaction (when I bought my dropper) after I rode Ben's bike around with them, but they were out of stock for an extended period of time so I got Amazon ones.
  20. Gravy

