Search results

  1. Cody


    I'm personally a fan of Big Deluxe. Rich has done my work, but R2 and a few others do great work as well. John Chatterlain (sp?) and Vic Back are also pretty phenomenal artists locally, but I'm sure they are booked many months out. They move around studies so much that I can't even remember...
  2. Cody

    1-2" leveling kit / lift for 05-12 Toyota Tacoma $100

    I bough the truck with this on, and just replaced it with an OME kit through Cruiseroutfitters. It appears to be this kit But I don't think it really gives more than about an inch of lift....maybe 1.5". Either way, the truck looks...
  3. Cody

    need some shackles for my front bumper

    I've bought them at bolt and nut supply too. I can't remember the price, but the difference between low and high wasn't enough to justify more than about 5 extra minutes of driving around.
  4. Cody

    Booby Traps in Provo

    fo sho. I don't think post counts go up in chit chat...actually lets check...... edit: nope, they do. No wonder I have so many posts.
  5. Cody

    Booby Traps in Provo

    agreed. agreed
  6. Cody

    Booby Traps in Provo

    I'm still not sure what to say about this, or how one gas station vs another seems to attract a certain type of person...especially in an industry almost completely driven my convenience of location. However, after a late night experience at a Maverick last night, the tattooed gentlemen running...
  7. Cody

    What is worth?

    Having sold a similarly sized forum, I can say with a fair amount of confidence that RME is worth more than what that site says.
  8. Cody

    Booby Traps in Provo

    So for every 11 idiots you know, 10 of them are tattooed and only one has no tattoos? Either you know a LOT of tattooed and pierced people, or your grasp of statistics is vastly flawed lol. And isn't the same thing valid for the rest of society? Behaviors and attitudes are socially...
  9. Cody

    Booby Traps in Provo

    Head tats are a different story ;) In some cultures the stretched/elongated ear lobe is a sign of status and beauty. Just sayin...
  10. Cody

    Lasik part 2 Custom or traditional??

    That's the biggest thing for me. Being out in the desert, or anywhere really, when the wind kicks up was a miserable experience. Since lasik, not a single time have I been left with razor-blades in my eyes due to some foreign debris. I need to go get an eye exam, I don't feel like my vision...
  11. Cody

    Booby Traps in Provo

    This is funny. Some of the most successful, intelligent, educated, traveled, and (perhaps most importantly) least judgmental people I know have large gauges and lots of tattoos. I think the bottom line is that idiots and dead beats come in all sorts of packages. The only sure-fire way I've...
  12. Cody

    What tires to buy

    Good call. t-birds are awesome. You could also check this know, so you can roast dem birds.
  13. Cody

    what was the first thing you broke on your hp30 besides axle shafts or u-joints?

    I've never broken a 30, but I sure did break the bejesus out of dana 44 parts. Almost always shafts/joints, and since they are basically the same as a 30, I would bring those for sure (as you already stated). Otherwise, I've seen a handful of ball joint failures, but considering how many 30's...
  14. Cody

    What tires to buy

    I've run BFG AT's, the older MTR's, and the new red letter Grabber MT's. MTR's have suspect sidewalls, especially once they have some use on them, but I have no idea how the Kevlar's hold up. The AT's are a fantastic snow tire, but they get gummed up pretty quickly in the mud. The Grabber's...
  15. Cody

    attn: runners!!

    I did a triathlon a couple weeks ago, and hopefully I'll be able to fit a couple more in this year. If not, I'll have a nice bike for sale ;)
  16. Cody

    Official Let's see your Backcountry 4x4!

    It's a short bed.
  17. Cody

    Official Let's see your Backcountry 4x4!

    New to me. Can't wait to get it dirty.
  18. Cody

    Who is NOT going to Moab for Easter?

    Thankfully the crowds of safari keep some of the riff raff away from everywhere else. There are really only three weekends I won't go to Moab. Easter, Memorial, Labor Day.
  19. Cody

    FC Concept

    That's dope
  20. Cody

    For Sale - Best Offer 1991 Mistubishi Montero $800 OBO

    Not going to lie, there is something kinda cool about that thing.