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  1. N

    Scary transmission sounds

    I'm having the exact same problem (in a NV3550), and also like gijohn, the nasty noise goes away once I depress the clutch, but as soon as I let it out and get on the throttle, the noise comes back....I'm almost positive it has to do with the rpm speed. As I give it more throttle it gets worse...
  2. N

    PSC extreme duty steering box with stock pump?

    Thanks Clemson! HUGE help!! I think I'm going to order just the extreme duty box for now and see how it does with the stock pump. Eventually I want to put a full hydro assist system on my jeep, but right now my wallet says no. Thanks for your help!
  3. N

    PSC extreme duty steering box with stock pump?

    I need to rebuild/get a new steering box on a 98 TJ. My two options are to either get a rebuild kit and rebuild the stock box. Or to buy a PSC extreme duty box. My question is will the PSC box work with the stock pump? Or am I going to need to get one of their high volume pumps as well...