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  1. K

    Help us Smoke Smokey!

    Sometime back on, someone posted a video of Smokey the Bear telling some ATV guys that they should not start their ATV's becuase it would start a forest fire since ATV's give off sparks. Hello??!! Spark Arrestors??? We all thought it was a joke. Here's the vid...
  2. K

    Virtual Rally For Tellico

    Please make sure you guys take 5 minutes to post up next wednesday! It's time that we all stood together to fight for ALL our trails, not just our own backyards. It would also be nice for our organizations to have a document and be able to show people at the barganing table that the OHV...
  3. K

    The Hammers are in can help

    I am MORE than happy to do that... For ANY trail. My organization is here: You can e-mail me at AND I write for CRAWL... If you have land-use issues that you want seen in the mag....e-mail me at
  4. K

    The Hammers are in can help

    I am the one that is organizing the Virtual Rally. (although many are pitching in to help me) Let me make a few things VERY clear: I have never been to the Hammers. Most likely, becuase they are so far away from me, I never will. Still, I am spending HOURS of my free time, away from...
  5. K

    Moab RMP - Don't panic...yet

    Hey All, I am the Land-use officer over at Pirate4x4. I want to help out with this as much as possible. I am committed to fighting this stuff everywhere, not just in my backyard. We are currently undergoing route designation in ELDO National Forest, where the Rubicon is located. I...