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  1. S

    Take Back Utah Rally

    There is going to be a Take Back Utah rally at the State Capitol, August the 8th, sponsored by Candace E. Salima. This is important to us off roaders too, because she is fighting to wrest control of Utah lands, away from Federal Government Control. I ask if you can be there, to please do so, and...
  2. S

    Rally at the Capital

    Rally at the Capitol There is going to be another rally going on at the State Capitol, August 8th, against Federal Land Closures. This concerns everyone, off roaders, farmers, ranchers, oil field workers, anyone having anything to do with the great outdoors. We need as many there as possible...
  3. S

    Mt Logan trip

    Hi, just wanted to post a Mt Logan trip for Saturday July 12th. We are mostly a Toyota group, but welcome all to go. Meet at the last campground before the quarry say around 10-11ish. Sam