1.5" (38mm) thick Waffle boards/Sand ladders

hans j

drove a van where?
So I bought a sheet of this at NPS because that was the cheapest way to get some of these for myself and I can make a couple more sets, maybe three... They will be 48" long and I can cut it these widths, 12", 13.5" and maybe one set of 15" wide? I can measure if anyone is actually interested. These are the fiberglass composite style with one gritty side. I have also seen photos of them being used as bridging ladders but haven't tried that yet :eek2:

Just looked it up and load rating is 1800 lbs/ft2 for spanning an 18" gap... which means my fat syncro can do it! http://www.amgrating.com/uniform-load-deflection-table-for-fiberglass-grating.aspx

Anyway, I would like $150 a set for them. Pretty cheap from what I can see but I got a good deal on the sheet and for me it was ultimately easier to deal with than having a set shipped to me. Besides, I like cutting out and building my own stuff!

I would also consider trades for other recovery gear. I need a 17k snatch strap, tree strap, tow strap, 3ton power puller with synthetic rope, RW11000 pull pal and what ever else I should have :)