2- Halon 5 pound fire extinguishers


Formerly WJ ZUK
These are pretty much the best fire extinguisher you can buy for protecting anything electrical or mechanical you don/t want that white powder ruining or foaming into. More difficult to come buy as they don't produce halon anymore due to the cfc's so they are a little pricey. All charged and ready to go 5 pound size with vehicle mounts- 175.00 a piece. They are running 220 ish and up plus about 40 shipping on amazon. 8o1 four 4 zero 5 nine nine 1

Can these be recharged once they are used? If Halon isn't available anymore, can they be recharged with another suppressant type?
yes, but they can't manufacture it anymore so they are only using existing stock and recycled gas. I called around and a place offered me 175 for just my 10 pounds of halon. Its pricey, but the best
Yes, but buying the expensive goodies is the reason I don't already own these. :p Yes, I know my logic is flawed...