2007 Can-Am Outlander Max 500 $3500


mtn yot
Tooele, UT
So Kinda a weird deal I have going here. I am in process of buying a Can-Am outlander max 500 1200 miles. It comes with a plow, hard rear case, soft front case (kinda rough due to sitting) and a seeder. The value of the wheeler books at 3750 by itself. I am not sure how much all the accessories rise the value. Now for the weird part. My company is the one that owns it and I am making them payments. I still owe 2500 on it so I would need that before I can deliver the 4wheeler. So once the 2500 is paid I can deliver the 4wheeler (same day) but I wont be able to deliver the title until it arrives from Michigan. So what I would like is to get 2500 and pay it off and deliver the 4wheeler and then as soon as the title arrives the reminder of the balance paid. I would be willing to sign a bill of sale. I know this is kinda a weird deal but after I won the bidding on it I fell into a finical issue. The only things wrong with it is the battery needs charged (maybe replaced but I am not totally sure) and the tire are worn (still useable but worn) and REALLY REALLY dirty. This has ONLY been used to plow the parking lot at my work. So if anyone is interested make offer. 435-eight50-two6eight6CAM00267_zpsa65eb744.jpg