I'm tempted. I don't know much about CO2, these tanks have to carry a certification before a place will fill them, right? Do you know when this one was certified last? Does the regulator have a normal air hose connector or would I need a special fitting? What are the dimensions of the tank?
Let me get the dimensions on the tank. That's easy. I will try to get out to the shop tomorrow.
If I had to guess 20-24" tall 10" in diameter.
Never had a problem filling the tank. But I had a friend do it back in the day.
The hose I had on the regulator was just a coil job from Home Depot. (Probably would still be there if it hadn't got cut on accident.)
probably the coolest thing that I have seen a co2 tank do was when DToy was working on his cabin and running a nail gun off it.