$225 ticket, spreading the lesson learned


Fight Till You Die
I was up in Idaho the past few days deer hunting. we went to the same spot up the same well traveled road that we always go. the road had a sign that tells the name of the canyon. the road is so well traveled that its almost hard to distinguish which road is the main road. all the other Roads that are closed are well marked. well according to the Forest service officer, 3 years ago nation wide they put into affect that the road has to be numbered for it to be open other wise it is closed. gave us a $225 ticket and sent us on our way. I never heard of this so I thought I would share so others might avoid the same steep fate.
Yup, when i worked with the forest service alot we had vehicle/ohv access to any numbered or marked designated route. any other route was to be considered closed weather marked closed or not. it's that whole know before you go thing they get you on.
If the road is that well traveled, why isn't it a designated route. Get a map from the forest service office. Either don't drive on the roads that aren't on it, or work with the FS to get roads added to it. :)


Fight Till You Die
didn't have a map at the time, (officer gave me one)never knew I would need one. this is why I posted this so others may know that if you don't know before you go that out could cost you and getting the word out about the rules they have in place. I didn't know the rules and am paying to learn the hard way. don't care to put it on the map either, it makes the hunting better if it is closed. I would however be up to helping to barricade the road so that people know its closed since apparently they refuse to put a sign on it.
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Active Member
Does numbered mean there is a numbered marker at the trail head? Or does it mean numbered on some map somewhere you have to track down?

Just curious because the old railroad bed out by 5 mile doesnt have a numbered sign, niether does black rock canyon that i drove through, or the numerous back roads between it and little moab, or the ones to eureka, etc...

Im assuming you mean on a map somewhere.


Fight Till You Die
the officer said the trail head must be numbered with the corresponding map number. the maps are pretty vague. so if it is on the current map it can be traveled however since they are so vague the officer could interpret it to be closed he wants


Well-Known Member
Roy, Utah
They can get you another way if they want---SAD!!
People is out there stealing, cooking meth etc.... & they ticket someone making an honest mistake!!! Pitiful!
I hunt a lot & every time I see a DNR I try to avoid them---wether or not I try and obey each & every law, there is always something they can ticket you for no matter what!!! You"d have to be some kinda lawyer or something to interpret each & every law the way they do---PATHETIC IMO!!!
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They can get you another way if they want---SAD!!
People is out there stealing, cooking meth etc.... & they ticket someone making an honest mistake!!! Pitiful!
I hunt a lot & every time I see a DNR I try to avoid them---wether or not I try and obey each & every law, there is always something they can ticket you for no matter what!!! You"d have to be some kinda lawyer or something to interpret each & every law the way they do---PATHETIC IMO!!!

If they are dumping stolen vehicles and cooking meth, I think I'll take the $225 ticket as my signal to stay clear. All to often, we as users of the trail do not listen when we get our hands slapped, and return another day. It could very well be they are having issues with the meth heads and trust me, being from Missouri, you don't want to screw with the meth heads... they'll shoot you dead in a heartbeat!!! Getting a ticket is never fun, but it does get the word out to stay away!!! The ticket may have been for you're own good...
