4x4 Club ideas


I drive Frankenstein!!
I feel the same way about the only 4 people showing up out of a whole list of members for a trail ride. What is more annoying is when you get to the trailhead and the people who say "I'll be there" aren't there. You plan to take a group that is between 15-20 people up and only 5-6 show up. I know this is the way with the current "club" I am in. I can always count on John and Chris to be there but that is usually all I can count on.

If you're going to join a club at least participate! What's the point of joining if you aren't going to do anything when you are in it?

I really like the idea of wrenching on a rig then having a BBQ. It would be nice to learn some new tricks especially from a retired shop owner. :greg:


Who Dat? Who Der?
Hyrum UT
I helped to write these a couple years ago and they worked so well that all the clubs in alaska adopted them. near 250 members accrss the state.


ARTICLE I: Club Name: The name of this club shall be the ‘INSERT CLUB NAME HERE.'

ARTICLE II: Club Purpose: This shall be a non-profit organization for the purpose of social, recreational, and educational activities; to enjoy and protect our natural resources; to enjoy family oriented outdoor activities; and to foster the enjoyment of our four wheel drive vehicles.

ARTICLE III: Membership:

Section 1. Applicants for membership must fulfill the following requirements:

1. Be the owner or co-owner of a 4WD vehicle.

2. Possess a valid drivers license. (For public road portion of trail runs).

3. Maintain minimum PL or PD insurance, unless you don't use your vehicle on club functions, or your vehicle is for competition purposes only.

4. Attend 2 (two) club meetings during the six months prior to application. Applications will be considered for membership during the 3rd (third), (or later), club meeting.

5. Participate in at least 2 (two) club runs within the same 6 (six) month period as above where the prospective member is the primary operator of their own four wheel drive vehicle. The prospective member must then be nominated for membership by at least 3 (three) members having been on 1 (one) or more of the qualifying outings with the prospective member.

6. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply:
a. Club run - A trail run with at least 2 club members in attendance, is scheduled at a regular club meeting, and has a set trail boss. The qualifying runs must be on two separate trails and the run shall attempt to complete the traditional end of the trail
b. Nominated - A nomination will consist of a brief description of the traits observed in the prospective member during outings with them and a recommendation for the prospective member to become a full member of Alaska Extreme Fourwheelers.
7. Any prospective member under the age of 18 years old must have written permission from their parents or guardian stating the ' INSERT CLUB NAME HERE Club or any member of INSERT CLUB NAME HERE ' will not be held responsible for any injuries or damages to said minor or said minor's vehicle.

Section 2. Prospective members must be approved by a simple majority of the voting members present at the regular meeting where 8 (eight) of more voting members are present.

Section 3. When accepted, the new member must pay any unpaid membership dues.

Section 4. To maintain membership, members must retain ownership or co-ownership of a 4WD vehicle. In case the vehicle is sold, 90 (ninety) days will be allowed in which to replace it with another 4WD vehicle.

Section 5. Members must attend 2 (two) club sponsored activities in any 12 month period. The Board of Directors shall notify a member 30 days prior to 12 months of inactivity. If the member does not participate in the requisite number of club sponsored activities the member shall be removed from the club roster 30 days after the 12 month period has expired and will no longer be entitled to the rights and privileges as provided by being a member of this organization.

Section 6. Members whose dues are not paid in full shall have no rights and privileges as provided by being a member of this organization. If a members dues are not paid 30 days after renewal date the member shall be removed from the club roster.

Section 7. Members with extenuating circumstances as determined by the Board of Directors shall be excused from the requirements of ARTICLE III Section 5 and ARTICLE III Section 6 to be considered a member in good standing.

Section 8. Members who have been removed from the club roster due to inactivity or unpaid dues as described in ARTICLE III Section 5 and 6 wishing to be reinstated in the club shall be held to the application process of a new member.

Section 9. There are 3 (three) classifications of membership and voting. Member must be present to vote. No proxy votes will be allowed.

* Family Membership 2 (two) votes, 1 (one) vote each. Both must be present to vote.
* Individual Membership, 1 (one) vote.
* Associate Membership, no (zero) vote.

ARTICLE IV: Associate Membership

Section 1. Associate membership is available to individuals who desire to belong to INSERT CLUB NAME HERE, but for varied reasons can't attend regular club meetings or participate in club functions, or don't own a 4WD.

Section 2. All rules pertaining to membership shall apply to an associate member with the following exceptions: An associate member will not be required to comply with ARTICLE III, Section 1 par. 1 and 4, and ARTICLE III, Section 4 . Associate members shall be recommended by a member, (in good standing), of ' INSERT CLUB NAME HERE.

Section 3. An associate member shall be required to pay the annual dues for a membership as specified in ARTICLE V.

Section 4. Associate members must abide by the rules set forth in ARTICLE III, Section 1, par.2.

Section 5. Prospective associate members must be approved for membership as stated in ARTICLE III, Sections 2, 3, and 5.

Section 6. Associate members may participate in all club events, but must abide by the Code of Conduct and Trip rules as specified in ARTICLE VI.

Section 7. Associate members at no time have the right, personal or otherwise, in any funds or property belongings to the INSERT CLUB NAME HERE Club.

Section 8. Associate members can at no time hold an Elected position within the club.


Section 1. Dues will be $40.00 for both Family and Individual membership per year. Payable at next scheduled club meeting following new member vote-in.

Section 2. Dues are to include the following:


Who Dat? Who Der?
Hyrum UT
1. Membership in INSERT CLUB NAME HERE.

2. Membership in 'United Four Wheel Drive Associations, Inc.' (UFWDA)

3. 2 (two) INSERT CLUB NAME HERE Club stickers.

4. 2 (two) ‘INSERT CLUB NAME HERE stickers

5. 1 (one) Membership Card

Section 3. Annual dues of $40.00 are due annually based on the date last paid.

ARTICLE VI: Code of Conduct and Trip Rules

Section 1. All members must conduct themselves in a respectable and orderly manner. Any member disgracing the club will be subject to dismissal. Formal charges, in writing, may be brought against such a member, and the general membership will be advised of the reason for dismissal. A 2/3's (two-thirds) vote from the members present at a regular or special meeting, will sustain dismissal. If a special meeting is called for this purpose, members will be advised at least 2 (two) weeks in advance.

Section 2. Members will be responsible for their guests, and families.

Section 3. All decals and insignias referring to membership in the INSERT CLUB NAME HERE are the sole property of said club.

Section 4. A resigned or dismissed member will be required to remove any and all decals and insignias referring to membership in the INSERT CLUB NAME HERE and return them to the Board of Directors.

Section 5. Trip rules will be adhered to at all times:

1. IF YOU HAUL IT IN, YOU HAUL IT OUT. Don't throw away litter or bury trash.

2. Use extreme care with cigarettes and matches. Prevent fires by using ashtrays and maintaining your vehicles’ exhaust system.

3. No motorcycles allowed in immediate camp area.

4. Drinking of alcoholic beverages while driving on or off road will not be condoned.

5. Pets must be controlled by their owners at all times.

6. When travelling in a caravan, day or night, turn on your headlights to make it easier for the vehicle ahead to see you. Always keep the vehicle both ahead and behind in sight. If the vehicle behind you stops, stop and assist him/her, except on a freeway, then proceed to the next off ramp and let the Tail Gunner, (last man), stop and assist.

7. Don't drive over plants or soft meadows or anywhere damage to the terrain may occur. Remember the property we use usually belongs to someone else. In other words TREAD LIGHTLY!

8. The Trail Boss is in charge of the run. Cooperate with him/her and obey their orders. The Trail Boss has the ultimate authority on all runs.

9. If you must leave the caravan for any reason, notify the Trail Boss immediately.

10. Outdoor restroom stops will be handled with common sense, "Men to the Left, and Women to the Right", unless otherwise instructed by the Trail boss.

11. Profane language should be limited and used with discretion.

ARTICLE VII: Vehicle Equipment:

Section 1. The following equipment is required for all vehicles on all runs. It is the Trail Boss’ job to spot check vehicles prior to the start of the run. There will be a $1.00 fine for each item not carried. Only applicable to club members. Fines will go to the treasurer.

* PL or PD Insurance.
* Fire Extinguisher.
* Roll Bar. (Exception to this requirement are those vehicles having a steel utilized structure).
* First Aid Kit.
* Tow Rope or Winch
* Safety Belts, one for each person traveling in the vehicle.
* Spare Tire, Jack, and Lug Wrench.
* Tow Hook or Strap Attachment Point (front and rear)
* Pair of Leather Heavy Work Gloves.
* Citizens Band (CB) or Family Radio Service (FRS) Radio.

Section 2. Recommended, no fines imposed.

* Shovel with at least a 5" x 7" blade and 12" handle.
* Axe, Saw, or Hatchet.
* Highway Flares (3).
* One Gallon Bucket.
* Pair of Hip or Chest Waders.

Section 3. No Exceptions, these are required.

* Headlights.
* Tail Lights/Brake lights.
* Windshield Wipers.
* Spare Tire.

ARTICLE VIII: Officers and their duties

Section 1. President
1. Shall exercise general supervision of the club.
2. Shall conduct membership and Board of Directors Meetings.
3. Appoint all committees and the committees are responsible to the President.
4. Sign checks in the absence of the Membership Coordinator/Treasurer.
5. Shall petition for vote at regular meetings associate members seeking full membership status.
6. Shall count and record results of all club votes.
7. Other work as required.
8. If a club officer position becomes vacant, the President shall temporarily assume their duties.

Section 2. Vice-President
1. Shall organize and promote club trips and clean-up events.
2. Shall appoint Trail boss for each run.
3. Act as President in the absence of the President.
4. Other work as required.

Section 3. Membership Coordinator/Treasurer
1. Sign checks as necessary.
2. Handles all club finances, using a financial ledger.
3. Shall except and record all membership applications, and keep Membership Roster up to date. Roster to include members’ mailing addresses, phone numbers (cells and home if applicable), email addresses, and dues payments.
4. Notifies members if dues payments are past due.
5. Maintain a list of emergency contacts.
6. Issue membership cards to members.
7. Other work as required.

Section 4. Secretary
1. Handles club correspondence.
2. Keep a schedule of all planned club events
3. Records club attendance records.
4. Other work as required.

Section 5. Sergeant at Arms
1. Stores club properties not responsible to other club officers.
2. Shall maintain meeting composure and parliamentary procedure during meetings.
3. Shall be responsible for all past, present, and upcoming information pertaining to land closure, land use, and land openings.
4. Other Duties as required.

Section 6. The Board of Directors shall appoint the Public Relations and Webmaster position on an annual basis. Other appointed positions shall be created by the Board of Directors when necessary (as determined by the Board), such as Coordinators for large club events. When an officer fulfills the Webmaster position, that officer shall be excused from some of their duties as stated in Section 1 through Section 5.

Section 7. In the event of a vacancy in a club office, the vacancy will be filled by appointed and a majority vote by the Board of Directors. Exception, the Vice President shall replace the President.

Section 8. Vehicle Inspections will be preformed by at least 2 officers or other competent members appointed by the Board of Directors on first time vehicles and periodically on membership vehicles to ensure that all required equipment is functioning properly. Any vehicle found lacking any of the required equipment from article VII Section III may be refused participation in any club run until such items are required.

ARTICLE IX: Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall consist of the officers of the club. They shall handle all club business, and will serve at the pleasure of the membership.

ARTICLE X: Meetings

Section 1. Meetings will be held biweekly, and will be held on a specified date and time determined from the previous meeting.

Section 2. Board of Directors meetings will be called at the request of the President or other Members.

Section 3. Under extraordinary circumstances, a ‘Special Meeting’ of the membership may be called by the President. A minimum of 1(one) week notice must be given.

ARTICLE XI: Elections

Section 1. Election of Officers will be done at the regular January meetings.

Section 2. The President shall solicit nominations prior to the first regular January meeting. Candidates shall be presented to the membership at the first meeting in January.

Section 3. New Officers will assume their duties immediately following election.


Any office of the club may be recalled by 2/3 (two-thirds) vote of all the membership.

ARTICLE XIII: Parliamentary Procedure

Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall be the authority for the Parliamentary proceedings at all business meetings, except where they may conflict with the By-Law's of the INSERT CLUB NAME HERE '.

ARTICLE XIV: By-Law Changes

Section 1. By-Laws can be changed by a 2/3's (two-thirds) vote of all members present at a meeting.

Section 2. By-Law change proposals must be submitted in writing to the President/Membership Coordinator.

Section 3. By-Law changes will be presented to the membership at the next club meeting.

Section 4. By-Law changes become effective immediately following approval by the membership.

ARTICLE XV: Club Funds

In the event of disbandment of the INSERT CLUB NAME HERE, all club Money's shall either be donated to the 'United Four Wheel Drive Association, Inc.', or used to fund a final club function or farewell dinner as determined by the membership.


Sandy, Ut
Hey Badcop, mind if I copy those By-laws?

We (the U4WDA) have many member clubs that need help with forming their by-laws, this would be a great start :D


Registered User
PierCed_3 said:
It's great to wheel with good people huh! :D

The one I am starting is mostly for the people who just want to go out and wheel. It's not going to be a club "for members only" kind of thing. Just whoever wants to get on the email list and go wheeling are welcome to join. I have been wanting to join a local club for a while though. Let me know when your club is ready.


Sounds alot like we have going over at Utah Off-Road and Outdoor Club (utahoffroad.com)


Registered User
If you want to have a more formal club, then a "cause" is very inportant- make yourself standout form the rest out there.

If it is to be an informal group mostly for fun, the one thing that needs to be figured in is what type of wheeling is going to be done. Is it to be lighter trails geared to families and those just learning? Great if that is what everyone expects (we have had a few people leave rides early with UOOC over this). Or more hard core? If so, don't want under-equiped or inexperienced drivers getting in trouble.

A mix is best (we all want to learn from those who know more), but expectations are the key to keeping people happy.

Local trail rides are great- esp for those without the time to head off for the weekend.


Duct Tape
Syracuse, Utah
cruiseroutfit said:
Hey Badcop, mind if I copy those By-laws?

We (the U4WDA) have many member clubs that need help with forming their by-laws, this would be a great start :D
I would like to use some of these by-laws if that is okay. I currently don't have any, though I do have a club that is growing.

basically the "cause" of my club is too be family oriented.


Who Dat? Who Der?
Hyrum UT
Kurt knock yourself out!!! Ive never wanted them to be a "owned", so as a co writer use em, change, enjoy them.

Bud - One big thing that a club needs to do is obey its own rules. The number 1 reason I am no longer with said club is the minute money came into a factor the club and leadership went to hell.

Consistacy is a big factor in the strength and weakness of a club. Either be a open public club, or an exclusive club. If the members feel they have to accomplish something to be a member, then (see art IV above) doesnt do a thing and only brings the club down. (my opinion, I hate that section, either do what it takes to be a full member or dont, there isnt a half ass way). I feel that way because whats the difference in doing it half way to be a member or say ignoring the no drinking, littering, avoiding safety, etc while on the trail.


Who Dat? Who Der?
Hyrum UT
To add one last thing while writing creativly and intoxicated:

Right is the time, when all are tired and spent.
When all who sit and listen, their thirst they must quench.
Round the camp fire when the beer and bourbon flow.
This is the time your words...your stories ...let em go.
Tell of a land you've seen that has just two seasons, tell how it changed you, and tell em the reasons.
Tell of hills... icy and slick; tell of the driver whose thinking must be quick.
Tell of the swamp, the bog and the muskeg...tells of the ground under the jeep that gives way.
Tell of the mountains wet with no traction...no trees for winching...to get up requires action.
Tell of the Knik, Metal creek and of vehicles lost.
Tell of the survivors... glad not to pay a higher cost.
Tell of the sun... that always shines.
Tell of the trail... that leads to a mine.
Tell of the rain... that pours and comes down.
Tell of the trails... that rain did drown.
Tell of the moose in the trail that...thrill ya.
Tell em of brown bear...the size of Godzilla.
Tell them rock crawlers...those with rigs that are geared low. They should hear it from you...one who's been there...one who knows.
Tell them of trails end...sacred places you did stand.
Tell them of Hick's...tell them you saw this great land.
Tell them you miss it. Tell them you wished you could stay.
Tell them...when was here, you saw it the best way.
Tell them the memories a lifetime...will last ya.
Because your four wheelin, was here in the AK.


Registered User
You can have the best charter in the world, you can have the best thought out event schedule in the world, but it still all comes down to one thing and one thing only......................participation. We have folks that I haven't seen on one of our trail runs in over a year, probably more like 1.5 years, yet I know they are wheeling. Every and anytime that I plan on locking my hubs I ensure I go on our site and invite anyone and anybody. It doesn't even matter how long of notice that you give. We've had events that I've tried to pan out over 6 months and yet there are folks that canot commit until the very last second.


Registered User
Salt Lake City
I have to agree with ZuKyper....as I am a member of the "unofficial club" I think what it all boils down to is the group that associates with the club. We lack participation almost on all fronts. I have been just as guilty as the rest in getting more involved.

What I have noticed over the few years we have been running as a local group, most of our "members" are into wheeling only as a small part-time hobby. They don't hold much importance in wheeling, and will make it only if nothing else comes up. I have done this in the past....but the problem lies, when your group is really only around 8-10 people, you end up with a small turnout.....especially when some of the runs are on Sunday.

We have 2 people, that are generally good guys, but don't seem to come out with us enough. They are strictly in it for the challenge, and well, most of the group is in it for a little bit of challenge, some scenery and overall commradery. This is where the problem lies in being "Exclusive" Overall, our group has been for Isuzu's, and the few others that happen to be brought along by a "member" Well, Isuzu's aren't known for wheeling, and the leaves a limited few to get together. We have tried to promote it to other Isuzu owners...leaving notes on cars, Jeff(ZuKyper) even made business cards, to put on windshields. It just didn't get the response any of us had hoped for.

What I think is you need to start groups with true enthusiasts. People that like to 4wheel, and make it a priority. When you limit it to "exclusive" people it becomes smaller and smaller, and so does the turn out.

I like the idea of setting forth what the trail will be like beforehand, so everyone knows what to expect. What people need to understand, you aren't going to always get what you want. It may be tougher(if you aren't comfortable ride with someone...still be there) It may be less difficult,and if you are well built, so what....be out there and enjoy the outdoors and the commradery that come with it.

I like the idea of BBQ's and wrenching days(both of which we have done, with the same turnout as the trailruns)

Hopefully everyone finds someone to wheel with, as it is is unsafe, and sucks to wheel alone.



Who Dat? Who Der?
Hyrum UT
Bud said:
thanks everyone for participating, great info to with, but please continue if you have more!

Yes I know the dates on the thread, I didnt want to see it die, and we have a lot of new names lately that could use the read....


Boise Idaho
Being a military guy, i've lived many places and always joined the local 4x4 club...seen a lot of good and bad.

The good clubs - never leave someone behind, and account for everyone.
The bad clubs - leave your a$$ out broke down or lost if you get behind the group for some reason.

The good clubs - have relaxed, fun, happy people, who like to help, educate, and don't mind helpin' ya fix yer junk.
The bad clubs - have guys who are full of it, up on themselves, critical of others, and try to lead ya into a situation that your rig isn't ready for.

The good clubs - don't just wheel, but have a fix,repair, modify event. Las Cruces 4wheelers used to do this and it was cool.
The bad clubs - don't plan the event well, as easy runs waste the time of the hard core guys and the hard core runs stress out the newbys.

Finally, don't get worked up about what's on the tailgate. Having a Nissan i've been ribbed on by other makes and models...even Xterras. WHICH ARE NISSANS -_-
I appreciate the spirit of the Zuzu club,,,others are warmly welcomed.

Last thought o' mine, respect the land and stay legal. I like to think of 4wheelers as a community sharing a common interest and bond. BTW i'm new here and need a club to join! :D


Registered User
I appreciate the spirit of the Zuzu club,,,others are warmly welcomed.

From one military guy to another it's "ZU'tah Wheelers" my man. We appreciate the nice words and BTW, we're still an open club and don't care what junk you run. Hell if they'll wheel with my Heep, they'll wheel with anybody :D 1 Jan 06 4th annual run coming up, check out the site. Tell Steve H I said hello and I left him a message at his house.
