Long story
This guy calls me last week and says he'll buy the motor and to hold it until Monday. I do and text him Sunday night to make sure he's coming. I ask him to let me know when he'll be down and tell him the only time I cant make it home is from 1 to 2. He calls from Salt Lake about 10:45 and says he's on his way. I take off work, go home and change, lift the motor on the hoist and pull it out of the garage. I don't hear a word. I call at 12:40 and he says that he's in Ogden and will be down at 2:00. I'm pissed but I say okay. I change, go back to work, then come back home at 2:00. No show. I call at 2:30 and he doesn't answer. I call again, no answer. I finally get fed up and send him a text saying that I was guessing he was backing out and heading home and thanks for wasting my time. He texts back at about 2:45 saying I was rude and he was with a customer and he came down from Idaho mainly for the motor. I answer back, great, are you coming down to get it? He replies no, he doesn't deal with rude people. He's at Hooters. The conversation went down hill from there. What a dumb a$$. My guess is he didn't have the money after all his other stops and he was just jacking me around. I hate dealing with losers.