8 in front diff in 04 Tacoma's ?


Lover of all things Toyota
Mantua UT
So I was on Lowrange's website and I saw this:
What if I have a 2004 Tacoma? What is the front differential?
If you have a 2004 Tacoma you may have what is called the "Clamshell" differential. To identify if you have this differential it is very simple, if the actuator for the differential is located on the front side of the diff, then you have the "clamshell". if it is located on the backside of the differential, you have the 1995.5-2003 Tacoma style differential and can use any 7.5 Reverse Rotation gear.
Low Range will help you identify what differential you have if you are unsure. A good resource for differential info can be found on this website: http://home.4x4wire.com/erik/diffs/#taco_ifs

I went to: http://home.4x4wire.com/erik/diffs/

and now I am confused I always thought 04's were 7.5 gears.
Can some toyota expert help clear this up?
there are two different diffs in the taco's as far as i know. they both mount the same just have different actuators, it could be 05+ tacos maybe? im not all too up to snuff on them. i will check for sure tomorrow
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05 is the start of the clamshell its easy to see i wouldnt go off the actuator the clamshell looks alot different. there is a slight chance that your 04 is a late year model and they put the clamshell in have had that happen on a few rigs we have worked on
05 is the start of the clamshell its easy to see i wouldnt go off the actuator the clamshell looks alot different. there is a slight chance that your 04 is a late year model and they put the clamshell in have had that happen on a few rigs we have worked on

you're saying you've seen a 2004 with an 8" front diff?
...there is a slight chance that your 04 is a late year model and they put the clamshell in have had that happen on a few rigs we have worked on

If your referring to late 2004 as in 10/04+ (which is a model year 2005 which is a totally different chassis) then yes... but if your referring to a 1st gen (even late i.e. September 2004 build date) then I'm going to need to see pics ;)