86 4runner transmission options

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
I'm in over my head and over budget with this truck. The engine is sweet now, but the automatic tranny has no reverse. I'm short on patience and money, and need some options that cost less than a transmission rebuild.

Is the A340F/E the only transmission that bolts straight up? Or are there other transmissions I can be looking for as I peruse the classifieds?
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Any matching 5 speed/tcase setup will bolt up, whether it be a G52, W56, R151....

Edit: as long as it came from a 22R/22RE, that is.
I edited, the w56 is a manual, mine's an automatic, an A340F (I think). I'm not opposed to the idea of a manual, but that obviously wouldn't be plug-n-play...
And NACHO-YOTA is my new hero. Didn't know it was him when I called the KSL ad, but there's now a tranny in the back of my truck that should be in the runner this weekend.

And for dirt cheap, I might add.