A couple of Canyonlands questions...


New Member
Englewood, CO
Hi, everyone. I'm going to be heading to the Canyonlands in March (looks like the week after the EJS) and have a few questions...

First off, I haven't been able to get through to anyone at Canyonlands regarding getting a backcountry permit for White Rim. My understanding is that these permits go pretty fast, so I think I'm going to have to plan that for another trip. It's now looking like I'll be heading to the Maze district instead. So, first question, should I try to reserve a campsite now, or are they pretty much available there? My understanding is that the Maze is the least-visited part of Canyonlands so the competition for campsites isn't as fierce. If possible, just because I may make some last-minute changes to my itinerary, I'd like to wait until I get to the Hans Flat ranger station before I get my campsite.

Second question, what is the condition of the road that runs into the Maze itself, say between Teapot Rock and Standing Rock? The NPS brochure describes this as the "worst" road in the Maze district and essentially says that trail damage is almost a certainty. How accurate is this? I'm just wondering if it was put in there to scare off casual "day trippers" from trying it. My vehicle is a 2004 Toyota Tacoma Extended cab, 5 speed, V6, running 235/85x16's (about 31.7") and is otherwise stock. I'll be taking this trip solo, so I'm not looking for anything really hardcore or likely to leave me with a damaged vehicle.

Final question, is there a gas station near the Hite bridge crossing? My Taco has roughly a 300-325 mile range under normal driving circumstances, but of course when driving slowly on rough dirt roads it's much less than that.

Thanks for any input! Hopefully I may see some of you guys out there that week (23-28 March.)


Sandy, Ut
While the Maze is less visited, you still need to get permits in advance, its not uncommon for them to sell-out, especially in the peak seasins (including March).

I havn't done all of the road your talking about, but it shouldn't be anything a high-clearance 4x4 can't do..

There is a gas station in Hite, however last time I was through in the wintertime (Nov 07?) it wasn't open. I beleive it had pay at the pump? We squeezed through to Hanksville :D


Active Member
Salt Lake
if you plan on going in March, you better call the NPS and see if anything is available. there is a phone number on there reservations page. I just made reservations for April to camp at the Maze overlook.

The road into Land of Standing rocks is not that bad. I think you'll be find in your truck. You might scrap a bumper once in a while. The section through Teapot Canyon is the worst. I do recommend airing down just because the road is so long and rough that unless you do air down, it will just beat you up.


New Member
Englewood, CO
Good News!

After a week of getting nothing but busy signals I finally got through to the Canyonlands phone and talked to the Ranger there. I'll be faxing in my campsite request as soon as I can.

Thanks for all the help! Looks like my trip is on, 23-28 March, will be hitting Canyonlands for a couple of days, followed by Capitol Reef, Bryce Canyon, Grand Staircase, then looping back East through Monument Valley and back to CO. Should be an awesome trip!