A Quick Poll


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
I would like to know how many people here have been active in land use beyond just sending in comments. How many members on this site have done any of the following:
  • Trail work
  • on the ground data gathering and documenting
  • meeting face to face with BLM officials
  • meeting face to face with county commissioners
  • joining an organization that is involved with land use (local club, U4WDA, USA-ALL, BRC)
  • becoming actively involved with an above organization
The reason I ask this, is that I have seen several comments from people that are pretty naive thinking. I am not an expert, but I have been involved enough to understand that after a change has happened, it is to late to do anything about it.

Within the last year, SUWA pushed for a WC (Wilderness Characteristic) designation of much of the San Rafael swell. The Price field office was taking this information that was provided to them under consideration. This in essence would have closed off most of the Swell.

Faced with this, a small group of people (about 6 of us) spent any spare time we had GPSing routes (full-size, atv & motorcycle) and documenting the presence of man made disturbances. In reality we were only able to cover about 50-60% of the area in question with the amount of man power available. We collected over 1500 waypoints and pictures to document our argument as to why this area did not have Wilderness Characteristics (WC) and provided this information to the BLM.

And in the end, a great deal of what we documented stayed open in the final RMP that just came out. If we would not have documented what we did, without a doubt, everyone would have lost a lot of area (full size routes, atv & single track trails) in the San Rafael.

The reason I make this illustration is for two reasons.
  1. if you wait until someone else has started the ball rolling, you are to late. It already has momentum in one direction and to change the direction takes a lot of effort........Simple physics.
  2. It shows how things can be affected if people take a pro-active approach to land use instead of a reactive approach. A lot of letter writing that I see being done is reactive to a situation and not pro-active.
I do not discount any effort that is put forward by the off-road community, it is just that we need to be more pro-active as a group.

Thats my 2 cents.


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member

I do as much as I can, but am limited by finances and family commitments. I've been able to do more in the past, but the last three or so years, have been a little lean on the wheeling and the volunteering. However, I'd bet I'm still at about the same ratio (25% service, 75% recreation?) as I was before. I'm just not able to get out as much, unfortunately.


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
The amount is not as big an issue as just doing it. In my eyes, it does not matter how much time you are putting into it, as long as your are participating.

As you can see, I just want to try and get people to be more pro-active on issues and not reactive. The letter writing serves a very important purpose. I hope the letters that everyone is writing right now to the Price field office have an impact. I just hope it is not to late and the trails have to go through the NEPA process. If they do, it is going to be long and drawn out and could end up costing some money on the behalf of the users.


I run a tight ship... wreck
  • Trail work - Yes, lots. Planted trees, blocked illegal bypasses, participated in & organized cleanups etc.
  • On the ground data gathering and documenting - Working on it
  • meeting face to face with BLM officials - Yes, once long ago
  • meeting face to face with county commissioners - Not yet
  • joining an organization that is involved with land use (local club, U4WDA, USA-ALL, BRC) - Yes

As for adding a Poll, you can edit your first post and down below the text box is the option to 'Add Poll' Fill it out as you like and there you go!


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
* Trail work Yes. Cleanups, bypass blocking, trail maintenance, erosion abatement.. other stuff -_-
* on the ground data gathering and documenting Not as much as I'd like
* meeting face to face with BLM officials Lots of phone tag, talked to some former officials
* meeting face to face with county commissioners Yes, in Tooele last year, need to do it again
* joining an organization that is involved with land use (local club, U4WDA, USA-ALL, BRC) Yes


Registered User
Trail work... um, does reclaiming RS 2477 roads for Kane County count? How about dismantling illegal closures to reopen roads. If yes, then yes. if not, well, then I suck.
Meeting with BLM dicks: (oops, did I say that out loud) Lots of times, okay, they arent all dicks, but the ones that arent, dont have any power to do anything and its a waste of my time and theirs if I cant pressure them into doing something. So Im going to stay with dicks. (insert gay joke here)
County Commisioners: Far more than I would like...
Joining: U4, yeah, the rest I dont see push very hard, and the very definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result... so in giving $$ or time to some of these groups, I feel like Im even more insane than usual.


Wandering the desert
*Trail work Yes
*on the ground data gathering and documenting Unfortunately no
*meeting face to face with BLM officials Yes
*meeting face to face with county commissioners Yes
*joining an organization that is involved with land use (local club, U4WDA, USA-ALL, BRC) Yes
*becoming actively involved with an above organization Yes.

great scott

Well-Known Member
No doubt we need active hands more then warm bodies to win this war. I think anderson705's point is, letter are OK but there is so much more we can do that is getting done by a select few only.


Lobbyist \ Consultant
...does reclaiming RS 2477 roads for Kane County count? ...
County Commisioners: Far more than I would like...
Joining: U4, yeah, the rest I dont see push very hard, and the very definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result... so in giving $$ or time to some of these groups, I feel like Im even more insane than usual.
To most of your reply I say, "Right-on & good on you." But to the last comment...OUCH! I think you were saying USA-ALL et al are not actually working on these issues, which is simply not even close to true. I'll bet if you asked one of THE guru's for land use in our state, Commissioner Mark Habbeshaw, about USA-ALL and about me personally you will rethink this comment. Ask him about our role and work on issues with the legislature and if and how they affect what Kane County is doing for all of us. You will be surprised and happy to hear his answer. Then post it on here so others will know what was said.

I also think BRC has done an excellent job in protecting access to Utah and surrounding states. ALL of these groups could be better, for many years U4WDA didn't do much but they have now improved. This improvement can be attributed in part to their hard work and organization, part of it came from growing support from members like you. ALL of these groups need your support in order to be even better.

Something’s I know for sure are: ALL of these groups are in the same boat (like it or not). ALL deserve your support. ALL have done VERY good things. ALL have weaknesses and shortcomings. When someone says otherwise they are simply out of touch with what has been going on.

Anderson750- Letters in general, even plan comment letters are an essential component to the battle. People need to write them, but they also need to understand there is so much more they can do. There are much better uses of valuable time and limited resources. To lay all or even most of our eggs in the “comment letter basket” would be a huge mistake. Your example illustrates this. There are much more effective things that can be done with our time and energy. However, you need to know the how, what, when, and where of these things. That is where groups like USA-ALL and BRC who are experts and experienced in these matters become so important.


* Trail work Yes. Cleanups, bypass blocking, trail maintenance, erosion abatement.. other stuff :
* on the ground data gathering and documenting No
* meeting face to face with BLM officials No
* meeting face to face with county commissioners No
* joining an organization that is involved with land use (local club, U4WDA, USA-ALL, BRC) Yes
*Donate funds when possible-Yes, and plan on more as its availible

Have a hard time running a buisiness, keeping family happy and meeting with BLM and elected officials, not sure how to or who to talk to face to face but it would be nice if we could get the cliff notes on where and when.. I know that that info is out there, but unfortunately we are to distracted with life to be pro-active and tend to be re-active. help us help you.