AF Canyon Land Swap in the news...


Sandy, Ut

We need to watch this. While I respect Snowbirds want and desire to expand, I don't necessarily support that expansion when it means closures for the OHV community. I can't say that the potential swap would limit OHV access as they have not even defined the potential swap but swaps like this in the past have resulted in a loss to the OHV community.


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
Agreed. This keeps getting back-burnered, postponed, or otherwise swept out of view of the people watching it. Very leery of this project.

While they say they have no "immediate" plans to build attractions, look at what the counties are willing to give them in Mary Ellen!! Not encouraging.
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Sandy, Ut
Steve Jackson has a pretty legit theory about Snowbirds desire to install a roller-coaster that went across and above the Little Cottonwood Canyon Road... His theory was that they fully knew it would be rejected by the county and canyon watchdogs but they then slide a lift into Mary Ellen Gulch along with some land swaps that close the land and nobody things twice ;)
Thanks for posting this link. When the arrangement is finalized, there will be a public comment period, but it's likely that it'll be a formality and that the real commenting on the deal will occur before it's ever put on paper. All the more reason to have strong OHV access organizations and individuals involved with this through the process. It's likely we'll lose something. Despite all the recent legislation. :rolleyes:

JL Rockies

Binders Fulla Expo
So people in UT would only be able to participate in a formality of a comment period with the Fed?
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So people in UT would only be able to participate in a formality of a comment period with the Fed?

No, some people who care about access will be involved before the comment period and that's when it'll be effective. On a separate topic, what's U4WDA's and USA-ALL's plans to be involved on this issue?
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I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
Kurt, I brought this matter up at our board meeting tonight and none of us have ever traveled this area. When things melt off, would you be willing to lead a field trip to the area? Also, as I understand it, if the road is an established right of way, that ROW is not negated by the land swap. I am not saying that they would not try and close off the road............


Sandy, Ut
Kurt, I brought this matter up at our board meeting tonight and none of us have ever traveled this area. When things melt off, would you be willing to lead a field trip to the area? Also, as I understand it, if the road is an established right of way, that ROW is not negated by the land swap. I am not saying that they would not try and close off the road............

Absolutely, and I would be happy to bring everyone up to swap as best I can on the previous swaps and de-classification of routes (ie. moving them from OHV to single track and my fear is the next move will be no non-motorized). The 4x4 community has a great working relationship with the land managers in the canyon and I'm optimistic we can get some table time for our voices on this issue. To be fair Snowbird has been good to the OHV community in terms of travel in other areas on their property though I do believe ROW's protect those interests as well.

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
I've done some fishing and hiking up there, but I've never had my rig on Forest Lake, Mineral Basin, or Mary Ellen. I guess I better plan on making sure that happens this summer, huh?


~ Bush Eater's Offroad ~
Salt Lake Utah
Im still waiting to hear where the exact target area is for this proposed "land swap".

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Please keep us informed of how this unfolds and how we can participate in helping the cause to keep AF Canyon routes open.

ps. I have been on all three said routes (MEG, Mineral Bain, Forrest Lake) in my 4x4, and they are super beautiful trails frequented by many from mild to wild just to enjoy the rich history & scenery.
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~ Bush Eater's Offroad ~
Salt Lake Utah
KSL article:

"SALT LAKE CITY — The scenic mountains that enfold the Salt Lake Valley — from
the Oquirrhs on the west to the Wasatch on the east — are an outdoor playground
under siege from all corners.

The skiers want to surf the powder on the slopes; the mountain bikers want to
breeze past aspens high in the hills; and down in the valley, in cities like
Midvale, Sandy and Salt Lake; people simply want to turn on the tap and get
fresh, clean water.

Keenly aware the foothills and canyons of Salt Lake County are valuable to
people in starkly different ways, a group of planners, elected officials,
caretakers and outdoor lovers are meeting Monday, March 26, to map out the
future of the "canyons" and the foothills for decades to come.

How much constraint of development there is in places like Snowbird up Little
Cottonwood Canyon or where private property owners can act unfettered is the big
question that must be settled, and everyone agrees there are no easy

"In the Salt Lake regional area, we have probably the most magnificent
mountain setting of any place in the country, and certainly of any major urban
area in the country," said Salt Lake City Mayor Ralph Becker. "It is also one of
the most heavily used places in the Forest Service area and it has a unique
quality that if we don't act carefully, we will lose."

To that end, the key components of long-range planning for the canyons such as watershed
protection, transportation, ski resort viability and backcountry recreation will be aired in a
daylong symposium at the Cultural Celebration Center in West Valley City, featuring a panel
discussion and breakout sessions.

It is, organizers agree, the first baby step in a months-long process that
will craft a new, improved version of what is called the Foothills and Canyons
Overlay Zone — which hasn't seen revisions since it was first adopted in

"I think we need to have more clarity — not only for developers but for the
environmental community who wants to know what will be built or what will not be
built," said Salt Lake County Mayor Peter Corroon, addressing the need for

The county has been at a political crossroads with itself over what
constitutes a "permitted" development at ski resorts — with one county board
voting to approve a mountain coaster at
, and another county board deciding it was not an allowed use.

The project remains in limbo, but what became urgent is the need to revise
FCOZ and attempt to erase any ambiguity.

Revisions under consideration include changing the definition of a "ski
resort" so summertime activities — which have always been an assumed acceptable
use — can occur with appropriate zoning safeguards in place.

To shepherd those changes to FCOZ, Corroon has mapped out a plan that
includes the establishment of a Blue Ribbon Commission that will draw members
appointed by the Salt Lake County Council, Salt Lake City, the U.S. Forest
Service, the Salt Lake Valley Health Department, as well as a "source water
protection" representative.

With a half-million people dependent on the canyon's watershed for their
source of water, leaders like Becker and Corroon agree protecting that quality
of water has to be foremost — but how far those protections extend is what will
spur the controversies.

"We have incredibly high-quality water coming out of these canyons," Becker
said. "It is easy to take it for granted. But this is not something that has
happened by accident. It has only been able to occur through careful stewardship
of that resource for over a century now."

Salt Lake City, for its part, has always been quick to wave the watershed
protection flag as a way to dissuade or oppose certain developments — a flag ski
resorts looking to expand or improve say is displayed too often.

The proposal for the SkiLink — a
gondola or tram that would ferry recreationers between the Canyons Ski Resort
and Solitude — has raised alarm by Salt Lake City and others because they
contend it will compromise the watershed and foster more development.

Canyons Ski Resort, which is pushing the resort-connect, said a water study
done by consultants shows the tram won't jeopardize the valley's water

Such tug-of-wars over the uses of the canyons — such as short-term economic
interests going up against long-term preservation ideals — will be addressed in
the coming months in public meetings in which all interested may attend. The
goal is to get the new improved FCOZ in place by year's end, a goal which is not
going to be easy to accomplish.

Jeff Niermeyer, Salt Lake City's director of public utilities, said those
competing interests coupled with the tremendous pressure on the canyons will
demand compromise, a position he envisions will not leave everyone

"It's not going to be easy," he concedes. "But if the foothills and the
canyons are important to you, now is a good time to engage in the process that
will determine their fate for the next 20 years."


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
I am surprised we have not heard more from the motorcycle community because there are great single track trails in the area that friends of mine like to ride. I will contact them and ask but most of them do not belong to clubs and only ride as a once in a while hobby.

Should have said dirt bike not motorcycle.
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Sandy, Ut
There are fabulous moto single tracks in the AFC area however none would likely be impacted in the area I imagine will be impacted by the land swap. I've not heard back from my FS contact as of yet but it often takes a few days this time of year.