Well, this sucks. Last summer the city engineer told me they might be widening my rode. He said if they did they would need some of my front yard. It came to a vote a bit ago and got turned down so I was stoked. Then I got served papers yesterday that they are taking some of the yard to widen the road. Thank goodness for the democratic process. Anyway they are taking 14.4 feet. they are compensating me for it, but I still don't want to do it. I'm not even part of the city I am still county. I know I have no choice in the matter. Here's what double sucks. My neighbor built his house two years ago. He has the curb and then sidewalk with no island of grass. They are making me have an island so they are curving the sidewalk deeper into my yard to make the room. My house has been there for 70 years and he gets to keep more of his yard. They are tearing down my fence and giving me nothing for it. It is a crappy fence, but I will still need to replace it so my 3 year old doesn't run into the now more busy street. My rant is over for now.