AFC Trails Update - "Death Rock" is gone


Sandy, Ut
Just got this from the Forest Service:

"· All of the moisture we have been receiving is much needed, however, from a trails perspective is very concerning.We are seeing substantial damage to the trails again from them being ridden to soon after rain storms. Please wait 2-3 days after rain to ride. The damage that is being done to the trails now is a major concern as it is unlikely that proper drainage will be able to be restored before winter. This creates potential for greater damage from spring snow melt as the water will get captured in the ruts that are now on the trails. Please help us protect your trails.

· The East Ridge Trail #038 between Pot Hollow # 037 and Ridge Trail #157 is temporarily closed due to the reroute that is being constructed. The reroute is located above the current trail and filled with rock that could easily break loose and roll down to the trail, the temporary closure is in effect while work is being done for trail user safety. Please plan your rides to avoid this section of trail until after September 20th.

· The “Death Rock” (as dubbed by some motorcyclists) on the Ridge Trail #157 was successfully blasted from the trail on August 22nd. Please keep in mind the section of trail between East Ridge Trail #038 and Forest Lake Trail #171 is still very technical, with steep grades, high exposure and smaller rock drops.

· The extension of the Granite Flat Connector Trail #237 is done. Both trails (the new trail to the bridge and new section of Mill Canyon #040 and the current trail that ends on Forest Road #085, connecting to the old Mill Canyon trail #040 will remain open until 2016). This Granite Flat Connector Trail is open to hikers, equestrian users and mountain bikers.

· With the recent storms, we are seeing some damage again to the front country trails. Reports of shale slides and additional damage to the Battle Creek Trail came in yesterday. Thanks to PG city for their willingness to help us take care of the damage and get the trail in good condition again.

· Parking for Timpanogos continues to be an issue on Saturdays. Visitors need to park in designated parking spaces so that they do not impeed traffic in the trailhead or along the roads. Vehicles parked in a manner that impedes traffic will be subject to towing.

· This year our Forest received the National Volunteer Award. Our Forest had the highest number of volunteers hours in the nation (by a long shot, We had 9,000 people volunteer in 2013, the next closest Forest had 1,000 people). Then in the bi-weekly volunteer update from the Washington office they had the highlight shown below about trails and volunteerism. Both of these just reminded me how greatful I am for all of the incredible Trail Adoptees and Volunteers that we have that are so dedicated to our district. We could not do it with out your support."


Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
Vehicular limbo
· This year our Forest received the National Volunteer Award. Our Forest had the highest number of volunteers hours in the nation (by a long shot, We had 9,000 people volunteer in 2013, the next closest Forest had 1,000 people). Then in the bi-weekly volunteer update from the Washington office they had the highlight shown below about trails and volunteerism. Both of these just reminded me how greatful I am for all of the incredible Trail Adoptees and Volunteers that we have that are so dedicated to our district. We could not do it with out your support."

That's awesome.


I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
Just when I was mentally prepared to give it another shot!!!!

Looks great!

Is there something we can do to help with trail maintenance?


Orem, Utah
I rode past death rock a couple weeks ago and it was gone. Trail is probably 4' wide now. I wasn't looking forward to passing it cause I was alone.


Finding Utah
Supporting Member
That's too bad, I loved that spot on the trail! I took my DR650 across it before... :eek:

Kind of sad :( I always look forward to taking new guys on that trail. Nothing like seeing the look in a rookie riders eyes when he looks at the trail and the drop and says "we aren't really going through that are we":eek:


Emptying Pockets Again
Supporting Member
Good and bad, was an interesting technical spot, makes it safer for solo rides now. That rock about dumped me before


I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
I think that it being gone is wonderful!!!!

But seriously, how many of us knew it was there before we rode upon it for the first time? If you think about the number of bikes that have gone down.. The very real potential threat to horses or hikers.. It was a wise move for the FS. Their job is to make recreation safe..
And although it was fun for sure, safe it was not.
I imagine there is no shortage of pucker trails to be found up there.. I can even take you on a couple if you would like. :)


Registered User
Salt Lake
I didn't know it was there. Came in from Pole Line Pass, solo, loving that part of the trail, and then I saw the 'ROCK'. No #^@%ing way I was going up it. Turned around and went down to Forest Lake and out. Next time I came in from the west because I wanted to see what the rest of 157 looked like and went down it. I never had the desire to do it again. Now I will do it again.