ahhhh crap!


Well-Known Member
So I have been busy moving... I finally get a weekend to work on the TB for Ultimate Adventure...

Guess what? Very little gas in the welder bottle, and its my most critical tool for progress this weekend.

So Im hoping RME can help me out on this one. Anyone have a bottle of 75/25 that I can borrow for the weekend?

Ill pay, have it refilled, whatever you need.

Im now located in south west West Valley.

Your welcome to borrow mine. Got 800psi in it. I'm off hwy111 an 7800 in west Jordan.
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I slept in, I was up over 30 hours before I crashed. Now I'm hanging out with my daughter till the wife gets home.

But I had 200lbs left last night. I should make it through the rest of the day no problem. Tube work doesn't take much gas.