Am I Being Detained?

capt scotty

Active Member
Riverton, Utah
as was noted these were UTA cops. their job is to protect UTA propery. Parking in the lot is for UTA riders, if they watched him for a while and he did not get on a bus or train ect. he is there for some other purpose "to meet a friend" loitering. His attitude is what he got in return. Anyone who thinks cops are "just being Dicks" should go spend some time with them. Go see how many self rightious, I know my rights jerks they deal with everyday. No I am not a Cop, I would have Tazed and beaten way to many day to day A-HOLES and they claim that is wrong. Good Luck with the court battle, these people that think the cops are out to hassle them need to get over themselves... they are just not that important for anyone to spend any time on.
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somewhat damaged
"UTA is a public transit district government agency made up of the participating municipalities, counties, and the State of Utah".
Doesn't matter if they are UTA cops, they still need to abide by the rules.

Interesting that UTA property is private when we can only imagine how much of it is subsidized by tax dollars (if not all). I have more to read...

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.

He put himself in his own stupid situation. I quit watching 45 sec in.

# 1 rule I live by ; "Don't put yourself in a situation" !!!

ie; I was acting like a gangbanger flashing sign's and I got shot at, I didn't pay my bills and my power got shut off, I was driving too fast and crashed my car, I didn't show up to work and got fired, girl goes to a party hardly wearing any clothes gets too drunk and gets taken advantage of, being a smartas$ to a cop and got arrested.

Do ya see what im getting at. All this can be avoided . Enuf said.

You're missing the entire point. It's about personal rights. People have the right to drive to fast, flash gang signs, dress like a skank, etc, or make any other stupid decisions they want. If you actually are in violation of a law then be prepared to pay. The nail that stands out shouldn't always get the hammer, this isn't nazi germany.

Being uncooperative for no reason is usually not wise, but a bogus ticket is not justified because he was being insubordinate. If he was in fact guilty of an offense it would have been for smoking, since the cop apparently witnessed that, not for something random.
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I hate Jeep trucks
Pleasant Grove
as was noted these were UTA cops. their job is to protect UTA propery. Parking in the lot is for UTA riders, if they watched him for a while and he did not get on a bus or train ect. he is there for some other purpose "to meet a friend" loitering. His attitude is what he got in return. Anyone who thinks cops are "just being Dicks" should go spend some time with them. Go see how many self rightious, I know my rights jerks they deal with everyday. No I am not a Cop, I would have Tazed and beaten way to many day to day A-HOLES and they claim that is wrong. Good Luck with the court battle, these people that think the cops are out to hassle them need to get over themselves... they are just not that important for nayone to spend any time on.

Wrong on all counts. Their job is to uphold the law on UTA property, not issue tickets to A holes for not obeying their commands.

I have spent time with LEO's. They do get a ton of crap from A holes all day. If they didn't know that going into POST then they absolutely knew it during and after. I didn't force them to be cops. They chose that.

What is self righteous about knowing your rights? If the police don't intend to infringe on them then it shouldn't bother them at all. The problem is there are so many laws, cops don't know them and neither do any citizens. You have to chose your battles. Like not letting them illegally search your car or person is one of my chosen battles. That doesn't mean you think you know every law better than every cop. It just means they can't trample something I hold dear, my privacy.

If you think you have the right to beat and taze people who don't share your point of view on all things then we are all glad you aren't a cop.

Lastly, Cops like most people are inherently lazy. Once they figure out what kind of people make easy targets they prey on those types. It makes it easier to write tickets which keeps their bosses happy and generates money which is never frowned upon. So they actually do make it a point to go after people they perceive as easy targets which in this case may or may not have been a guy smoking or whom they thought looked like he smoked.

Again, not all cops are bad people, but to blindly trust anyone with authority is not wise. This doesn't mean you don't show them the respect that any decent human being deserves.


I run a tight ship... wreck
I hate to chime on one minor point, but this was something that taught me a lesson early in life... and I don't need to go into more detail, but I've had a cop LIE in Court while UNDER OATH. F**ckin' UVU rent-a-cop... FAWK that guy... :mad2:

capt scotty

Active Member
Riverton, Utah
Wrong on all counts. Their job is to uphold the law on UTA property, not issue tickets to A holes for not obeying their commands.

I have spent time with LEO's. They do get a ton of crap from A holes all day. If they didn't know that going into POST then they absolutely knew it during and after. I didn't force them to be cops. They chose that.

What is self righteous about knowing your rights? If the police don't intend to infringe on them then it shouldn't bother them at all. The problem is there are so many laws, cops don't know them and neither do any citizens. You have to chose your battles. Like not letting them illegally search your car or person is one of my chosen battles. That doesn't mean you think you know every law better than every cop. It just means they can't trample something I hold dear, my privacy.

If you think you have the right to beat and taze people who don't share your point of view on all things then we are all glad you aren't a cop.

Lastly, Cops like most people are inherently lazy. Once they figure out what kind of people make easy targets they prey on those types. It makes it easier to write tickets which keeps their bosses happy and generates money which is never frowned upon. So they actually do make it a point to go after people they perceive as easy targets which in this case may or may not have been a guy smoking or whom they thought looked like he smoked.

Again, not all cops are bad people, but to blindly trust anyone with authority is not wise. This doesn't mean you don't show them the respect that any decent human being deserves.

So, I am "WRONG ON ALL COUNTS" because my opinion is different than yours. Nice to know you have allll the f*#king answers and everyone else is wrong. Yoou have NO CLUE!


somewhat damaged
So, I am "WRONG ON ALL COUNTS" because my opinion is different than yours. Nice to know you have allll the f*#king answers and everyone else is wrong. Yoou have NO CLUE!

Whoa man, calm down. He provided an excellent counter argument. No need to take it to a personal level. "You're wrong on all accounts" in his view, which is also his opinion that he's entitled to. Let's keep this discussion cool. :)


I hate Jeep trucks
Pleasant Grove
Poor choice of words on my part. I should have said, I disagree on all counts. This is after all an entirely opinion based discussion. My bad.

capt scotty

Active Member
Riverton, Utah
I thought all the angry jerks were over at Pirate. You can have your opinion and I can have a different one, doesnt make either one of them wrong. If you have such a low and paraniod opinon of law enforcment I suggest you go ride along, investigate, Yes they choose this job, thank God there are people willing to take a job that may cost you your life. This is just my opinion, just like buttholes...everyone has one!


somewhat damaged
Well, if it can't be civil I'll probably remove this thread. It is a hot button topic and I think it's good to talk about... so...


Sandy, Ut
Not at all. More of "Don't be an A-hole, and understand that officers are people too" mentality.
Had this been a issue where an officer was out of line, it would be different.. But I still think this guy was looking to start trouble, and then cried when he found it.

x2... I'm not one duck my rights, I've fought tickets I found unjust and I've gladly paid those I earned... but I didn't expect the officer to be the judge on the spot.

I just don't think we have any clue what happened in the minutes leading up to this video and everything we see is framed exactly the way this gent wants it to be. For all we know she saw hanging out for 45 minutes and decided to approach him once she had seen him smoking. He made it clear he was not there to ride the train.

...Interesting that UTA property is private when we can only imagine how much of it is subsidized by tax dollars (if not all). I have more to read...

Welcome to Utah's version of public property, SITLA, State Parks, etc are all about as equally friendly to the assumed 'rights of the public'... we can save that talk for the Utah vs. Fed's discussions.