Any General Contractors?


Orem, Utah
Are there any general contractors on rme? I have my s220 license, so general carpentry like framing, finish work and a couple other things. I am looking to get my general contractors license. I have had more and more chances to build complete homes.

I did build 4 homes this last year but they were all for family or friends so they did them owner builder. It's time I get my own license though.

Is there anyone on here willing to qualify me so I can expand my company? We are very dependable and honest. Please let me know if you'd be interested or if you know someone that's interested.

Tyson andrews
8 oh 1 735-2640
I would work on studying/passing the B100 in your down time.It is a tricky test and hard to pass the first time or 2nd or 3rd for that fact.Find a good qualifier possibly a friend that can help you through the process.Pay them minimum wage @ 10 hr.weeks and 4 years and around $15,ooo later you will have your own license.Must have monthly proof of qualifier being paid and W-2s at the end of the year.Utah has really cracked down on easy licenses.Good Luck
Yes they have cracked down. I actually took the test a few years back and passed it the first time. It wasn't bad. But before I got all the money in and everything in order they changed the law and I got screwed. I have a few buddies that are currently being qualified and theirs went through super easy. One qualifier charges per house. The other charges per month. I can get either of the to do it but I am looking for a good deal. Why not? It is free money for the GC.