Northern Utah Anybody up for Hanging Tree Trail sometime this month? Any locals?


Still plays with cars
Lehi, UT

My crazy friend Mark is now running 35s on his XJ. He's heard me talk about HTT, and he thinks he's ready to run it. He wasn't able to make it with us back on July 4th, but he brought it up with me over the weekend and asked if we could still get out and run it this year. I figure our time window is closing fast, but the snow isn't here yet. :)

Is anybody up for a weekend run? We will be flexible to accommodate the group, so our schedule is essentially wide open... although I'm pretty certain this weekend (Oct 11/12) is out for logistical purposes. If you are interesting in hitting the trail, please post up and let us know what date(s) can work for you.

As always, we are hoping a local (read: someone who can lead us out the top) can accompany us. :)


Kaysville, UT
I'd love to do that trail. I could go anytime after October. However, I definitely wouldn't be able to show you around, I've never been there.


Still plays with cars
Lehi, UT
I definitely wouldn't be able to show you around, I've never been there.

I've run the trail 3 or 4 times, so I could go without a local guide. I'd prefer to be joined by someone with permission to lead us out the top at the conclusion of the run.