Anyone have any experience with a flippac?


Well-Known Member
Anyone have any experience with a flippac or wildernest?

I've always wondered how the flippacs do. Amazing concept, and when I get a doublecab it could be a really cool solution to keeping my gear dry as well as giving me and the family a place to sleep.

Looking at the pics/videos, they seem like they're meant more for fairweather camping. How do they hold up in the nasty windy/rainy/snowy weather? How well are they built? Anything else I should know?

I'm not even close to being able to afford one, but I think it could be an awesome alternative to a RTT (which I'm also considering).


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I've inspected them up close in fact I know the gents in both your videos, both speak very highly of them. Concerns would be the lack of ability to use your truck as a truck, I don't think they are really designed to take in and out much. An of course tree strikes could make a mess of the fiberglass so one would need to be careful there.
I camped with some friends in Moab that had a Flip-pac. That's a lot of tent material... I don't think it would handle any bad weather very well.
My fiberglass shells have fared well in the past, but trees are always a concern.

I wonder how they do in bad weather, since that's when I'd be most interested in a system like that.
I like it. Seems like a decent solution. I agree with you steve, if it can not take bad weather, especially wind, then it is not worth it. I still want to get a spring bar, but having a nice RTT would also be very sweet.