Anyone still want some on-air ham radio practice?


Still plays with cars
Lehi, UT
EDIT: I forgot to ask you to post where you live, as well.

A few times on RME, some of us have expressed interest in testing our ham radios and/or getting a little practice with them. I even volunteered to lead such an on-air meeting, but things never worked out and it just didn't happen (such as the fell-apart-at-the-last-minute plan we had to do this in Moab at EJS). Is there still any interest for this?

My offer of leading the meeting still stands. I will be glad to do this one evening (or more, if needed), probably after 8:00 to give everyone time to return home from work, have dinner, etc before we start. Radio operators of all experience levels would be welcome to participate. The goal is to let everybody use their equipment in a casual, low-stress environment where there are no worries about learning from our mistakes. ;)

On paper, it would be easier for those with little/no experience to use a simplex frequency. However, since our homes are spread out over a wide area that probably won't be practical. Instead, I think we'll need to use one or more repeater(s), chosen based on where everybody is located and their radio hardware. This means step #1 is for each person involved to figure out ahead of time how to program a repeater into their own radio.

If you want to participate in this activity, reply to this thread. Tell me all of the following:
1) which evenings you would be able to participate
2) which frequency band(s) your radio uses (2m only? 2m and 70cm?)
3) what type of radio you have--mobile or handheld (Listing the exact make/model would be nice, if you could include that)
4) what type of antenna--permanent mount or magnetic mount for mobile radios; stock "rubber duck" or something upgraded for handheld radios
5) where you live (at least approximately)

Based on your answers, I'll try to select a repeater which is located in a more-or-less central area. Again, we may end up splitting this activity into multiple events--such as one for Utah county, one for Salt Lake county, etc.

Also: if you are having trouble figuring out how to program your radio, please speak up. I will be happy to help you with this in advance.
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.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
1) This holiday weekend would work for me. Evenings would be ideal after about 7 pm?
2) 2m
3) Mobile Yaesu 1803 (?) --it's an 18 something or other
4) Permanent mount


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
I am definitely interested in participating!
1) I can be available almost any evening with notice. I have training on some Wednesdays until 8:30, but other than those nights I can be open.
2) Both 2m and 70cm
3) I would be participating most likely from my Mobile in my truck. Kenwood TM-D710GA.
4) Permanent mount antenna. Depending on the truck, will either be a Larson 1/2 wave, or a 5/8 wave.


Still plays with cars
Lehi, UT
OOPS! I forgot to add that I'll need to know where everybody is located. For you two who have already replied, I know where both of you live, more or less, so that's fine for you guys.


By endurance we conquer
I would be interested too. Pick a day except Tuesday and I will try to make it happen.
You know where I live:cool:
I have the same radio you do:cool:
I have the same antenna you do :cool:


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Interested as well. Week nights, earlier than 8 would be my best chance, but don't try and pick a time and day to work with me, I'll just try and make whatever work.

West Bountiful
Yaesu ftm-4000xdr 2m/70cm
Larsen nmo 2/70b A pillar mounted

Not sure if I could hit Farnsworth from my driveway or not, but I know it can if I drive up the hill a little ways.


Rock Taco

Well-Known Member
Interested most week nights work for me with a little heads up. In located in Sandy.

Yaesu FT-60 handheld with Diamond SRH77CA antenna
2m and 70cm


Still plays with cars
Lehi, UT
After plotting points on a map, I've decided that a repeater located on Farnsworth Peak might be ideal for us. To that end, I have selected a specific machine... and I have written to its owner to ask for permission to use it for our on-air meeting (what hams call a net).

I'll let you all know how it goes.


Still plays with cars
Lehi, UT
UPDATE: I have not forgotten about this thread. As mentioned, I did send an email to a general address for the owner of the selected repeater. Two days later (on November 26th), I got a reply from someone who monitors that email account; he said he would forward it to the people that make the decisions and get back to me. I have not received any further responses since then.

Still waiting....


Still plays with cars
Lehi, UT

It has been so long that I forgot about this thread. Today I received an email from Mel Parkes, president of the Utah VHF Society (the group that owns the repeater I wanted to use for our on-air practice). He was looking through some old email messages, found mine, and immediately replied to apologize for overlooking my request. He said their repeater is free for all to use, including us. Because it is used by various other groups, he simply asked that we be courteous and work together should any conflicts occur.

Based on that, I will begin monitoring that repeater from home to identify a time in the evening when we might be able to have a little on-air RME chat session. I am thinking it would be around 9:00 on a weeknight, but I won't know for sure until I research by listening.

BTW, Mel also asked me to pass this along to the group:

In addition the Utah VHF Society is holding our annual Swap Meet and Business Meeting at 0900 on 23 Feb in Farmington at the Legacy Events center. We welcome all ham radio operators; members get in free, non members pay $7.00. For more info, please go to the Utah VHF Society Web Page

It looks like this may finally happen after all. :)


Well-Known Member
Layton, UT
I would like to get in on this also now that I have my license. Currently have a Baofeng but my have a my new Yaseu FT2-DR if they ever get off back order.


Man Flu Survivor
Dempsey, I'd be interested in joining, simply to get any real world experience with ham. I currently have absolutely none, but I'm interested. I'm also in Lehi. Let me know if it'd be ok to just be an observer, and get the most basic of lessons on ham.



Still plays with cars
Lehi, UT
Dempsey, I'd be interested in joining, simply to get any real world experience with ham. I currently have absolutely none, but I'm interested. I'm also in Lehi. Let me know if it'd be ok to just be an observer, and get the most basic of lessons on ham.

Of course you are welcome to observe and learn more about the hobby, Nate. Any licensed operator can sit with you and let you use their radio to make contacts, and I would be happy to do this. If you'd like, we could also have an extended one-on-one discussion wherein you can ask as many questions as you like. Feel free to drop me a PM with your contact info.

For the rest of you who want to participate: give me a week or two to listen in and find a time that might work for us.


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
I am still very much interested. I have 3 new to me HT's with upgraded antenna's I would love to try out to ensure they are working properly.


Well-Known Member
Layton, UT
Of course you are welcome to observe and learn more about the hobby, Nate. Any licensed operator can sit with you and let you use their radio to make contacts, and I would be happy to do this. If you'd like, we could also have an extended one-on-one discussion wherein you can ask as many questions as you like. Feel free to drop me a PM with your contact info.

For the rest of you who want to participate: give me a week or two to listen in and find a time that might work for us.
Which repeater are you thinking of?


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
On Farnsworth Peak, 146.940 (88.5 tone).

I have been trying to hit 146.940 tonight with my HT, but haven't been able to activate the repeater from my HT. I was able to get a squelch trail on my Mobile Rig in my Land Cruiser but didn't raise anyone with my call for a radio check so can't confirm I am audilbe. On the HT, I either don't have the power to hit it, or I don't have it programmed correctly (very likely). I listened on my Mobile for a few minutes and did get the CW ID from it, so I should be able to hear on the mobile unit at a minimum.

I was able to hit the 146.620 with my HT tonight, but it doesn't require a tone, and is likely more direct line of sight to my house.

At any rate, I am looking forward to this net!