

Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
I went and saw this yesterday at the dollar movies.

I thought it was pretty cool--although a couple spots were kind of tacky....like the birth scene and when the dude is squirting blood from his head.

I can't help but feel like Mel Gibson is making their culture out to be barbaric intentionally--especially with the oh-so-fortuitous arrival of the Western explorers complete with the obviously placed holy cross held by the bishop in the boat.

But, if I step out of the mindset that I had going in (that Gibson is going to try and work in some pro-christian undertones) then it was a pretty awesome movie and very moving.

I also couldn't believe how many little kids were in the theatre. Deffinately not a kids movie. If you have kids and want to watch movies like that--wait until it's on video or find a baby sitter.



Formerly WJ ZUK
I saw it when it first came out, I thought it was pretty good, the girlfriend really can't handle the blood and decapitation, but other then that she thought it was ok. I refuse to go to the dollar movie theaters. Too many kids, they will let in anyone to make a buck


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
Thats whats crazy. They ID me to get into it, but let a bunch of kids 4-10 y/o in?


Sandy, Ut
Candace and I saw it tonight @ Brewvies... it was a decent show... We visited several Central American ruins when we were south this past summer... very reminiscent of the scenery and such :cool:


Suddenly Enthusiastic
Candace and I saw it tonight @ Brewvies... it was a decent show... We visited several Central American ruins when we were south this past summer... very reminiscent of the scenery and such :cool:

I would love to take that trip. That stuff is really cool to me.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
I've seen quite a few Mayan ruins too--around Progresso, Marida, and inland from Cancun (Ux Mal, Chichen Itza (sp?)) etc.

Pretty amazing stuff. Interesting to see how the lower class was exploited by the wealthy to build the temples and such.

We went to a cool set of ruins south of Progresso and they (being the spaniards I assume centuries ago) leveled one temple and built a catholic temple on top of it. Kinda pisses you off.

one of the goals I have in life is to hike in to Machu Pichu (sp?). Not Mayan but uber cool.



Sandy, Ut
We visited several major sites when we were in Cancuun (Chichen Itze being my favorite)... I also spent a couple weeks in Guatamala when I was younger... we toured some of the major ruins there too. The most striking one I have been to is Tikal... though the rickety plane ride from Guatamala city was a bit too much :D


Registered User
Lehi, UT
I didn't get much out of the Mayan culture from this film, to me it was all about Iraq....recognizing fear, what it does and over coming it. Fear destroys people. The main stars dad was awesome, the foreshadowing in this movie was amazing.

Possibly one of the coolest movies I have ever seen.

You have one second in your life where you can decide if you are going
to be a coward or if you are going to fight. The time to decide is now.
