Arapeen OHV Trail System- Central Utah


Still plays with cars
Lehi, UT
Wow, that link points to a beautiful web page--simple, concise, and chock full of great information. Do any other counties in Utah have similar pages?

(PS: I just sent off my request for their maps.)


Well-Known Member
Wow, that link points to a beautiful web page--simple, concise, and chock full of great information. Do any other counties in Utah have similar pages?

(PS: I just sent off my request for their maps.)

I've not aware of any other counties having such a well laid-out site that has such an extensive trail system all mapped out like Sanpete has done with the Arapeen trail system.

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
Vehicular limbo
Utah_OHV, I don't know if you have any contact with the designers of that website, but you might want to let them know that there's no faster way to get me clicking the back button than to have an intrusive ad start blaring at me. That's poor web design, and that's a shame because the rest of the site looks great.


somewhat damaged
Kevin - just a heads up but I don't see any ads on the site other than the ones for content within the site. No 3rd party ads. I wonder if your browser might be suspect? (I have no affiliation with this site)

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
Vehicular limbo
When you click on the link for the free map, there's a douchebag that pops up in the lower right corner and starts yelling at you. It's not 3rd party, it was something about the county. Not from this computer though, Adblock and Noscript are my friends. ;)


Wandering the desert
Not really an ad, and you can just hover over the guy and click on the X. He was telling about the area and the trails. I didn't mind it at all, I thought it was actually pretty informational

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
Vehicular limbo
Fair enough. I get stabby when my computer starts making noises I didn't tell it to, especially when those noises are played over the Zeppelin I'm enjoying at high volume. YMMV. ;)