ARB's in Dana 30's


1997 TJ
Heber, Utah
I was going to have some work done with my Dana 30. I have ordered Yukon 30 splines an ARB air lock and the compressor and the heaver u-joints. I was going to have the shop I ordered this stuff from install it too. I don't have another vehicle right now because the extra vehicle at the house is being used because my fathers car broke down too. The shop that I was going to have do this could only do it this weekend or it would have to wait more than a month. I put my E-lock in my D44 so i know pretty well what to expect in changing the parts. I wanted to have someplace that has experience with the ARB's install this one in My D30 because it sounds a little more intimidating. I am tired of not having 4 wheel drive so I can't wait any longer and I would rather do it myself anyhow. What I am wondering is how exactly to get the ARB into the Differancal. Could you please be descriptive and explain the process of getting that sucker apart (the D30) and making it work. Thanks for any advice and experience.



Registered User
Arm Utah
Personally, I'd have a shop do it that is experienced. I've seen guys that knew what they were doing screw them up and it's not pretty.

Mead, WA
I've done a lot of ARB's, and I've fixed others bad installs. All I can tell you is follow the directions and put a sheit load of preload on the carrier bearings!! I do this on all carriers, not just ARB's, so it's not just a ARB thing... Almost all of the mistakes I've seen have been because the installer didn't follow the directions and had no idea how to install an ARB. ARB's directions are very clear and concise. When you get into the measurement portion (to measure for pre load and etc) I would use it for a guide only, and not final setup. Since you have already done a D44, a D30 is pretty much identical.

If you like, I can install it for you next week....PM me if you want info.


Registered User
if you need someone to install have a friend that would do it for you in a day let me just pm me. he has alot of experience with it and does things right.. the first and only time so let me know dude


Registered User
Arm Utah
One of these days I've got to meet Wayne. He always seems to be helping out when others need it. Way to go Wayne.

Mead, WA
tagaustatoppen said:
I started working on my D30 last night and Wayne has been helping me. Wayne has been very helpful and friendly. It's apperant that he has done several of this and know's what he's doing. I recomend that anyone building a jeep check him out.
:eek: Thank you! It helps working with someone that knows their way around a wrench, too! Some of these deals where I'm just supposed to supervise, requires me actually doing all of the work. Not this time! I was able to continue working on another axle while you worked on yours. Very nice! :D

Mead, WA
Bart said:
One of these days I've got to meet Wayne. He always seems to be helping out when others need it. Way to go Wayne.
:eek: Ahh shucks... If I can help, I will and it doesn't matter what it is.

Hopefully I'll have my rig back together for Moab in a couple of weeks; not sure if you were going to head down or not...