Armed Feds Prepare For Showdown With Nevada Cattle Rancher


Sandy, Ut
Who gave the job to the Fed though?

Kooler than Mudd.

The Utah politicians that penned this:

"The people inhabiting this State do affirm and declare that they forever disclaim all right and title to the unappropriated public lands lying within the boundaries hereof, and to all lands lying within said limits owned or held by any Indian or Indian tribes, and that until the title thereto shall have been extinguished by the United States, the same shall be and remain subject to the disposition of the United States, and said Indian lands shall remain under the absolute jurisdiction and control of the Congress of the United States."

Look, I'm not saying the feds to an awesome job at anything, but the state (think DABC, DOGM, Paula Houston) isn't always better and it's beside the point. Our (State of Utah) constitution gave them undisputed control of the lands. I don't know to whom this gentleman submitted his grazing application to before we were even a State I can hardly imagine they are grandfathered for 150 years lol.
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JL Rockies

Binders Fulla Expo
The Utah politicians that penned this:

"The people inhabiting this State do affirm and declare that they forever disclaim all right and title to the unappropriated public lands lying within the boundaries hereof, and to all lands lying within said limits owned or held by any Indian or Indian tribes, and that until the title thereto shall have been extinguished by the United States, the same shall be and remain subject to the disposition of the United States, and said Indian lands shall remain under the absolute jurisdiction and control of the Congress of the United States."

Look, I'm not saying the feds to an awesome job at anything, but the state (think DABC, DOGM, Paula Houston) isn't always better and it's beside the point. Our (State of Utah) constitution gave them undisputed control of the lands. I don't know to whom this gentleman submitted his grazing application to before we were even a State I can hardly imagine they are grandfathered for 150 years lol.

It doesn't matter. The US Constitution is clear on the issue Federal ownership of land. It's also clear on the Feds powers.

Kooler than Mudd.


Sandy, Ut

That dude earned 100% of that tazing. Front an officer and kick at a dog, easy way to get tazed. He promoted the exact outcome he wanted imo.

"I saw them sick a dog on a pregnant woman"

Did anyone see that?

That video is not going to win many supporters for them imo, in fact I have less sympathy than I started with. These field officers are simply doing their job. If the best approach is name-calling... the situation is lost.


Sandy, Ut
It doesn't matter. The US Constitution is clear on the issue Federal ownership of land. It's also clear on the Feds powers.

Kooler than Mudd.

Feel free to post it. We get to this same point every time how you tell me the Utah Constitution doesn't apply to the US Constitution that pre-dates it by a couple of years.


Formerly Beardy McGee
I agree with Kurt - these people seem to be going about it all wrong.

Jamming your quad under the front tire of their moving dump truck and refusing to move it gets you a meeting with the pointy, shocky part of a tazer.


Sandy, Ut
I agree with Kurt - these people seem to be going about it all wrong.

Jamming your quad under the front tire of their moving dump truck and refusing to move it gets you a meeting with the pointy, shocky part of a tazer.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for civil disobedience in the right doses. Just don't cry foul when you corner someone into tazing you :D

Look guys, this video isn't illustrating the John Doe vs. the Fed, just showing that the BLM officers are going to do their job. Pull this same routine in front of a bunch of city police or Sherriffs, same outcome, your getting tazed and dogs are attracted to pregnant women :D


Formerly Beardy McGee
Agreed. Agents showing up on their front doorstep and tazing the pregnant amputee lady with cancer would be the proof that the agents are the aggressors.

I'm more upset about people being removed from their homes in the wake of the Boston bombing than this rancher story...

...pressure cooker, backpack, pressure cooker.... backpack.

JL Rockies

Binders Fulla Expo
How does tasing someone get a quad moved if all you're trying to do is get your dump truck down the road?
If you're whipping your attack dog into a frenzy and threatening "you'll get bit", the dog is going to end up kicked... seems like a reasonable response... if you're unarmed.
Personally, I've less respect for BLM officers after they helped themselves to some gear from our campsite in Bartlett Wash while we were gone all day hiking.

Kooler than Mudd.


Sandy, Ut
How does tasing someone get a quad moved if all you're trying to do is get your dump truck down the road?
If you're whipping your attack dog into a frenzy and threatening "you'll get bit", the dog is going to end up kicked... seems like a reasonable response... if you're unarmed.
Personally, I've less respect for BLM officers after they helped themselves to some gear from our campsite in Bartlett Wash while we were gone all day hiking.

Kooler than Mudd.

I'd hardly call it a threat, it's a promise. Act like that in front of city, state, sherrif, marshal hell even the dudes with guns at the DMV, your going to get tazed lol, I'm not seeing how there are two sides to that. Kick a police officer or his/her dog, your going to get tazed and you earned it. Look, they made it very clear in the video they were trying to stop the movement of the truck. They were neutralized with what I call completely reasonable force, the truck was moved and the BLM moved on... I'm not seeing a riot here, the BLM officers were completely professional about the situation imo. Why does the BLM have armed rangers? Ever been to Glamis, Little Sahara hell even Moab during Spring Break... same reason State Parks has armored officers enforcing those situations. The BLM manages the land (in often less than desirable ways), they have to be able to properly enforce. I wish they had that many officers in the SL Field Office to police the knuckle heads in the Five Mile Pass area dumping shit. And they should taze them too! :D

Assuming you have as much proof the BLM officers took your gear as you do that the US Constitution says he Feds should give their land to Utah. Both of which are likely to hold up in court. ;)
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dont be a sheep in a jeep
west jordan,UT
The protest was peaceful till that woman got hit by the car and then the ranger pushed her down and the the guy in the red shirt got hit by the dump truck.

Then Seeing as the rangers where telling that guy to move the atv and as he is arguing with the rangers the guy with the k9 just randomly walks into the middle and sicks the k9 on him (BS right there) , guy kicks the dog and he gets tazed, then a ranger gets on his atv and the guy takes the key out and gets punched the face and then tazed again as he is stumbling away from the blow to the face.

The rangers went to far and I'm not surprised the protesters started getting in there face and pissed off.

To me both sides screwed up there...


Well-Known Member
Price ut
I have not read to much in to this but love it.... So funny IMO that any one that has to believe deep down that they are wrong would not give up. I want to see our land used buy who ever wants to use it properly, but if he isn't paying for it he is taking it from me and every one else that if paying and fighting for off road use, greedy ranchers are turning out to be one of the biggest problems with the blm and county considering off-road use around me.


Registered User
Making this a "little guy vs Feds" issue is going to get someone killed.

I am far from a fan of the federal government and the overreaching, abuse of power associated with the mess our government has morphed into over the last 50 years.

However, does that allow one man and his cows to ignore the law? No.

Based on reports I have read, the initial rulings, including the Endangered Species Act ruling did not demand he stop grazing the area, just limited his herd size and that is when he stopped paying fees.

I think pretty much everyone on here would agree to some degree that user fees and/or taxes are needed to maintain usable public lands. Roads, trails, campgrounds etc don't magically grow among the trees and sagebrush.

And for those always on the "the federal government can't own land" kick, do we really want to lose public lands?

We are fools if we think state control will make everything well. The states will sell off land for development (think Lions Back) if can earn them a buck.

I have a friend who lives in Kansas. While in Colorado he was an avid hunter, taking advantage of public land in CO, WY and other western states. I talked with him about perhaps heading his way to try my hand at whitetail deer hunting. He told me that he does not hunt in Kansas because everything is private and land access is near impossible without a whole lot of $$. Is that what we want the west to become? I know I don't.

Courts and the voting booth are where changes are made.


Sandy, Ut
The protest was peaceful till that woman got hit by the car and then the ranger pushed her down and the the guy in the red shirt got hit by the dump truck...

You are watching a totally different video than I did? Ranger pushed here down? Where are you seeing that?

The dog was not "sicked" on anyone, the officer simply used it as a mechanism to keep an obviously combative person out of the safety zone of himself and fellow officers. Those dogs are trained to keep people away from their master, it did it's job.


Sandy, Ut
We are fools if we think state control will make everything well. The states will sell off land for development (think Lions Back) if can earn them a buck.

Courts and the voting booth are where changes are made.

Bingo, and I'll raise you public hearings, comment periods and land stewardship.

I'm trying not to paint a with a broad stroke as I've run across some of the most down to earth and generous ranchers out there however I've had a polar experience as well. A few RME'ers and myself had a most colorful run-in with a rancher not far from this situation in Nevada. He was running cattle on public BLM land and was very volitile with us about the fact we decided to camp near where his heard was roaming. We didn't think anything of our decision, it was an obviously well used camping area and on public land, not signed, etc.... and there are cows everywhere. Anyways he come violently driving into our camp at 7AM with all sorts of accusations, violent tones all underscored by the shot gun he had next to his seat (the gun was a non-issue, we had those too). Literally freaking out several members of our group. He made it 100% clear that it was his land and we needed to move on. Further research, it was his grazing allotment... OUR land ;)

I had a second similar run-in with a rancher in Wyoming as we were on the Outlaws Run. We were on a clear county road, marked on maps, historic 100+ year old route, etc. We pulled up to the cattle gaurd, saw the no trespassing signs and assumed they meant for all the land on either side of the road is is extremely common in right-of-way situations and proceeded to drive through. We were just about to exist the parcel on the opposite side when the dude cut-off on his ATV and made us go back the way we came, a 40 mile detour because the county road crossed a ~1 mile section of his ranch. In this case the county calls it open, he disagrees. We left it at that.

I'm by no means saying this is how every rancher or even a small minority of ranchers are BUT they are out there and those ones do treat public lands/roads as if it were their own.

In a similar but opposite case, we were driving the Pony Express Trail from SLC to Lake Tahoe. In the middle of Nevada we pull up to a locked gate with a ranch house just up the way. We grouped at the gate and pulled a map out to verify we were on the right road (surely the historic right-of-way of the PET pre-dates and private land right?) and identify a detour. A quad comes rolling down from the ranch house and I fully expect to get the riot act about people subverting his gate, etc. Nope, he was genuinly interested in our trip and once we told him what we were up to he not only invited us to cross his property along the historic PET but he led us up and over the top to the other gate, let us out and gave us some camping recommendation. Couldn't have asked for a better situation.


dont be a sheep in a jeep
west jordan,UT
0:22 he takes her down for no real reason, She is standing there next to the cars go by and he walks up and throws her down.

dog did its job, officer not so much.

They want him to move his ATV but how could he when there blocking it in the first place.

not saying the guy didn't have it just seems like it came to quickly and aggressively when all the guy was doing is yelling at em.

ID Bronco

Registered User
Idaho Falls, ID
When the gun or taser is pointed at you and someone else is yelling at you to obey, the free man will (should) resist. It is very difficult (my experience) to want to back down without letting your emotions get the best of you. I would't judge the protesters too harshly, emotions are much different when you are in the midst of it.