Assault trial from Lower Helldo last year

Rick B

S.E. Utah Native
Well, apparantly you thought wrong. If it was on Lower Helldorado then the driver of the Jeep would be the one on trial, because those people would've been fully justified in confronting a group who were trespassing on their property.


when in doubt, upgrade!
So Jordan, Utah
Rick B said:
Well, apparantly you thought wrong. If it was on Lower Helldorado then the driver of the Jeep would be the one on trial, because those people would've been fully justified in confronting a group who were trespassing on their property.

thank you for the clear and courteous answer :eek:

Core, I thought is was lower helldorado too, back when everyone was trying to decide if they could close an existing road...

but apparently I could be thinking wrong... :rolleyes:


Resident Thread Killer
Rick B said:
Well, apparantly you thought wrong. If it was on Lower Helldorado then the driver of the Jeep would be the one on trial, because those people would've been fully justified in confronting a group who were trespassing on their property.

In a bad mood there, Rick? :rolleyes:


grocery getter driver
So. Jordan
Jinx said:
thank you for the clear and courteous answer :eek:

Core, I thought is was lower helldorado too, back when everyone was trying to decide if they could close an existing road...

but apparently I could be thinking wrong... :rolleyes:

Apparently you are wrong!!!


Cause it's green, duh!
Moab Local!
Rick B said:
Well, apparantly you thought wrong. If it was on Lower Helldorado then the driver of the Jeep would be the one on trial, because those people would've been fully justified in confronting a group who were trespassing on their property.
It WAS on Lower Helldorado. Yes they had the right to block the road, no they did not have the right to do what they did, which is obvious since John was tried and convicted of his actions.

I like this quote from the article,

"But during cross-examination, San Juan County Attorney Craig Halls painted the couple as publicity hounds who regularly take their disputes to the media. He noted that a few days before the altercation, the couple had lost a bid in court to close a backcountry trail that passes through their property, which borders the site of the altercation.
Halls suggested that the April 9 incident was simply another "ploy" to get attention for the couple's attempts to stop motorized use on backcountry trails, including public lands, near their property. "

Too true!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Enoch, UT
Rick B said:
Well, apparantly you thought wrong. If it was on Lower Helldorado then the driver of the Jeep would be the one on trial, because those people would've been fully justified in confronting a group who were trespassing on their property.

Well, apperantly YOU thought wrong :rolleyes:

By Lisa Church
Special to The Tribune

MOAB -- John Rzeczycki found out the hard way last weekend that man is sometimes no match for machine.
The Moab landowner says an off-road driver assaulted him when he told her that she and her group were on an illegal trail. He stepped in front of the woman's stopped Jeep and pointed out a sign posted by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management that prohibits off-road use in the area of San Juan County, 14 miles southeast of Moab. The trail is about 300 feet from Rzeczycki's property.
He says the woman inched the Jeep toward him, trapping his foot beneath a tire, then slowly drove forward, pinning his leg beneath the wheel. The driver stopped, and did not back up until a friend of Rzeczycki's approached carrying a stick, and shouted for her to move the vehicle.
No one from the woman's group offered assistance, he said.
"I was looking her right in the face and she just kept moving. She didn't say one thing to me," Rzeczycki said.
He is also upset that the driver was not cited. Instead, he said, the San Juan sheriff's deputy who investigated threatened to charge Rzeczycki with disturbing the peace. Rzeczycki is consulting with an attorney and will "certainly press charges."
San Juan authorities have a different take.
San Juan County Attorney Craig Halls said he has discussed the incident with the investigating officer and that several witnesses in the off-road group said the driver did not intend to hurt Rzeczycki. "I have to determine whether this was an accident or intentional. You can commit an assault with a vehicle, but you always have to have, in a criminal case, an intent," he said.
Rzeczycki said he and his partner, Kiley Miller, were also verbally assaulted and threatened by off-road drivers in the rocky wash known as "Lower Helldorado," which is on their property. They closed the area two weeks ago after a judge ruled that a fence they installed was legal.
On Friday, someone destroyed the fence, scrawled a death threat on their "Private Property" sign, and hung a noose on a nearby tree. When the couple confronted several drivers a day later, one charged his vehicle at Miller while she was photographing his license plate, and another began running down small trees.
A deputy investigated but did not file charges.
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Suddenly Enthusiastic
Um, that article doesn't say what trail it was on... It says it is about 300 feet from Rzeczycki's property. If it were on lower helldorado it would have been ON Rzeczycki's property. :confused:


Well-Known Member
Enoch, UT
I highlighted it for you. I do realize this is a news article, and could be wrong though.

Edit: unless these are two different stories you guys are talking about. :confused:
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Registered User
The two articles don't seem to fit. Diffrent locations given and reported differently as to the the out come of the pre-incident legal actions. But same people, same injuries. Must be a little errors in one of the articles.

I like the Trib one that points the finger more at the activists. :eek:


Locked Up = More Freedom
Helldorado altercation

I was near the location when it happened. Their property line is aprox. 300 ft from the entrance (of Lower Helldorado) and the "accident" happened near (before) their property line. We were trying to get a GPS fix on where their property line was in relationship to the trail entrance and mark it accordingly. However, it didn't make sense to have people turn around in such a narrow canyon so they fenced it at the mouth of the canyon (which IS NOT their property). As a side note, BFE was contimplating closing a part the Strike Ravine trail (that goes through their property) during EJS because it would be in conflict with THEIR rock crawling event. Something was worked out but ultimately the weather won out.


total tacoma points: 162
this is the best line from the article

".......As evidence, she showed the jury a photograph of Adams' San Juan County patrol vehicle. Affixed to the rear window is a sticker - a drawing of a boy urinating on the letters SUWA - the well-known acronym used by......" :rofl: