I realize I'm in the minority here so flame suit on, but I strongly feel that there needs to be some change in regulations to buy guns and ammo. Now that you're getting ready to roast me, please hear me out. First off, I have a concealed carry permit and am an avid supporter of the 2nd amendment. I also don't think a ban on "assault" weapons is the answer. My problem is with background checks and I have 2 main concerns. First, I think there should be a national registry of gun owners and a background certification required for every gun purchase. Once a certification is obtained, much like a CCW, you could buy guns/ammo wherever and whenever you want. My second, and main concern, is that I strongly feel that mental health and past assaults should be considered as part of the renewable background certification. This stems from situations that are immediate family issues.
I have a close relative that is well known to the VA and police departments in several states with aggressive mental behavior and is being treated for such, has made physical attacks and several threats to organizations and people, and has a growing arsenal of weapons ammo. One of the reasons I have a permit is to protect my family from this person, and we actually get along most of the time. It scares the $hit our of me that this person can legally buy weapons and ammo. I have seriously cringed when I see news of shootings in the geographical area that they reside and pray it isn't them. In my humble opinion it's just plain insane that the gun coalition/NRA won't even consider a change in background checks that screens for mental health.