AYL this weekend


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
Watch At Your Leisure Sundays on ABC Channel 4
9:00 AM and 11:00 PM

Dear AYL Sponsors and Friends,

As you know, At Your Leisure is constantly reporting on the land access
issues that affect the sports we enjoy and that help your businesses to
thrive. AYL has always defended the right to enjoy the West by both
motorized and non motorized means. We give the ATV, Jeep, and bike and boat
industry its only voice in the mainstream media. This weekend's show is no
different, except that the focus is potentially more important than our
average coverage.
Last month Governor Huntsman took a tour of the Moab area to assess for
himself the state of off-road recreation. We applaud his intent...
however, his hosts on the tour was none other than the Southern Utah
Wilderness Alliance, better known as SUWA and that makes the outcome
This environmental activist group (the same one that has brought you several
versions of the 10 million acre "Red Rock Wilderness Bill") has shown
through its past actions and numerous lawsuits that their goal is nothing
less than the total eradication of motorized recreation on public lands, and
that sometimes, less than ethical means justify their ends.
Based upon SUWA's past actions, we believe their tour with the Governor was
peppered with environmental bias which may have led to his comment that the
damage he saw was "...an abomination...an embarrassment." , or at very least
to the spin presented to the press to suggest that Governor Huntsman was
condemning the sport, not just the abuse. We would like to give him the
benefit of the doubt and want to set the record straight on our next show.
We all want to protect our lands and understand that any damage is a
travesty; however we also understand the slant of those who showed him the
'damage' in the first place. The Governor's quote is being used as a weapon
against the off-highway community condemning all of us as miscreants who
care nothing for beauty or nature and only wish to destroy it.
Again we have been painted as dirty, smelly, ignorant, people that don't
understand that the wonder of Utah should only be seen in photographs or by
the anointed few who can take the time and have the ability to move about on
mother earth with delicate moccasins.
In this week's episode I will be taking a large portion of the show to set
the record straight about the motorized community's point of view in an
'Open Letter' forum to the Governor. We will respond to the claims of SUWA
as well as show the public that we are as responsible about public lands as
SUWA, if not more so. We intend to convey through our program and our
viewers to the Governor that the off-road recreationists of the West care
more deeply for the grandeur of our state and appreciate the need to
experience it far more than many so-called environmentalists. The episode
will also include many interviews with average riders and explorers who
support the Governor but challenge his current assessment.
This is an important episode and we encourage you to watch it. Spread the
word to both members of your sports as well as your neighbors so that our
message can reach a wide audience. The battle over our right to enjoy our
public lands responsibly is going to heat up in the coming months as you can
see in the attached victory message from SUWA. . At Your Leisure stands
now as the lone voice of reason in a debate that has consistently shown the
recreating community to be less than what we are. We appreciate your
continued support and hope that the future will be bright for those of us
who climb on our machines and go out in search of adventure. With your help
we can continue the fight.

Thank You.

Chad Booth

Chadwick Booth and Co. Producers of
"At Your Leisure"
2469 E. 7000 S. Ste#110
Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121
PO Box 71631
Salt Lake City, UT 84171-0631
Phone: (801) 947-8888
Fax: (801) 947-9888
These guys (AYL) are great advocates of land use issues. They promote responsible motorized recreation and activism. They definitely deserve support.


i just read the BRC e-mail looks like i'll have to watch this at my moms house since i don't have a tv :ugh: i'm anxious to see this episode!